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Safety in perth


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Happy to report, I made it out alive this evening from Elizabeth Quay! Didn't see any trouble or anti social behaviour despite quite a low police presence. A superb facility, that will only get better with time. We enjoyed watching all the entertainment and thought the intergration of all the aboriginal festivities really added to the occasion.

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Happy to report, I made it out alive this evening from Elizabeth Quay! Didn't see any trouble or anti social behaviour despite quite a low police presence. A superb facility, that will only get better with time. We enjoyed watching all the entertainment and thought the intergration of all the aboriginal festivities really added to the occasion.


Glad you made it out alive!!

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Happy to report, I made it out alive this evening from Elizabeth Quay! Didn't see any trouble or anti social behaviour despite quite a low police presence. A superb facility, that will only get better with time. We enjoyed watching all the entertainment and thought the intergration of all the aboriginal festivities really added to the occasion.


Amazing, well done, I would have gone but I was worried it might be a bit of a warzone.

I had friends go along to this too and in one of their Facebook posts I was worried because it appeared as though someone in the background of one of their photos looked a bit shifty.


We just got back from a three week holiday. While we were away, amazingly, no one broke into our house. We left one car unlocked on our drive and when we got back it was still there! Suspiciously our other car had a flat battery. I'm thinking of starting a local Facebook page to highlight my concerns about how there appears to be a drug and alcohol fuelled craze of unsavoury types breaking into cars and syphoning off the electrickery. It's the only plausible explanation.


This morning we took the dog for a walk through 'The Beacy Bronx' which we've lived close to for two years and, according to The Fremantle Herald is an area that "has been plagued for years by feuding and violence, burglaries, rampant illicit drug use and tearaway children wandering streets at all hours."


Nothing happened.

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I sometimes wonder whether you and I live in the same city, Keefo? My family and I drove into the city, parked Central Park ($5 all day Oz day special, usually $ 55) walked around CBD then into Langley Park. Spent the whole day there with lots of friends enjoying the Air show , entertainment, free rides and activities, the most superb fireworks you could ever imagine. Not once did I see any trouble or even these menacing aboriginals you speak of! I was there from 1- 11.00pm with families of all ages and everyone in our party had a fantastic time, not one of them had any complaint, many were overseas visitors and could not believe that the city put on such a fantastic show for Australia Day! It made me proud to live in such a beautiful city, so to read your negativity because a fight broke out at 4.00am in the morning saddens me! I would not think twice about walking around the CBD at midnight here, either alone or with my children, something I wouldn't have done in Birmingham! Yes, occasionally there is a sexual assault, robbery, even an occasional murder but to come away from a wonderful day such as Tuesday with nothing but negativity makes me wonder why you are still here?

So to answer your question, where do I start? Maybe with something positive about beautiful Perth before you hit us with your version of doom and gloom! How about well done City of Perth for putting on a fantastic show! Looking forward to 2017 already!



We we had a great time and no issues at the stations etc. Fair play to Perth for putting on such a great event! (Can you tell it was our first?) Anyway the only down side was seeing a couple of Aborigines 'asleep' by some toilets and a group arguing between themselves as we were leaving. It would appear they had a good day as well but had consumed something stronger than Ice Cream!


In in reality when you put on such a big event, a very small minority will let themselves down in the public eye. I'm sure Perth is safer than many cities at night, but why put yourself in that position? It only takes one idiot!

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Guest Guest6235
I think is where you are struggling. You came from a village (as did I) and are under the illusion that because it was 25 minutes from a City as is your current suburb then somehow they are comparable. Perth is a City of 1.5m people roughly from top to bottom. I lived 15 minutes from Peterborough. I cannot compare the crime of my village to the crime in my suburb. They are just not comparable.

Maybe village is a wrong word.....not your quaint 2000 people living in a fishing village or a village in the country. I maybe should say suburb as it has a population of 12-16,000 people as estimates stand, maybe more......that is more than the likes of some suburbs here.


1.5m covers a wide area!

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Guest Guest6235

Loving the sarcasm guys.....keep it up!!

I bet that poor young lady who was indecently assaulted at Bulls creek station had your ideals Shirley, in the fact you could walk around in the city or at a station in the early hours with no problems. You say you'd do it!!! Why would my wife or any lady put themselves in that position or like us in a lift with a drugged or p***ed up idiot who could have threatened my wife or daughter to get what he wanted. Like I said, if it was just me he wouldn't have had anything to threaten me against.

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Maybe village is a wrong word.....not your quaint 2000 people living in a fishing village or a village in the country. I maybe should say suburb as it has a population of 12-16,000 people as estimates stand, maybe more......that is more than the likes of some suburbs here.


1.5m covers a wide area!


Yes it does cover a wide area but I still don't think your comparisons are fair. I think they are wide of the mark by a country mile.

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Loving the sarcasm guys.....keep it up!!

I bet that poor young lady who was indecently assaulted at Bulls creek station had your ideals Shirley, in the fact you could walk around in the city or at a station in the early hours with no problems. You say you'd do it!!! Why would my wife or any lady put themselves in that position or like us in a lift with a drugged or p***ed up idiot who could have threatened my wife or daughter to get what he wanted. Like I said, if it was just me he wouldn't have had anything to threaten me against.


I don't mean to argue with you but are you seriously telling me that where you come from is crime free. Nobody is sexually assaulted, no chavs bother people walking down the street, nobody you know has encountered crime. Most people in England would love to know where that is as they'd all move there tomorrow. I sometimes wonder what makes someone like you chuck in the towel and emigrate when you appear to have had such a cushy life.

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Guest Guest6235
Perth like many modern cities has a massive drug problem. So its inevitable it will have the associated crimes to go with it, breakins, mugging, fighting. Also, despite not seeing it myself, im told that the ' local locals ' of Australia are fond of booze and cause havoc as they cant handle it.

My suburb has a thread on social media at moment of 10year olds breaking into cars !

I've lived in the West Midlands all my life ( minus some years fighting for queen and country) and can honestly say I cant wait to go back to the UK as I never feared my house being broken into where I lived there like I do here. I'm quite sure many people on here wouldn't consider relocating to West Midlands, so I guess that doesn't say much for Perth.

I've just had a day in Freo and some people frown at that place, I'd up sticks this afternoon and go there no problems.

Or you could just move here be dazzled by the sun sea cars and cocktails and bury your head in the sand, theres lots of it.


Sorry Tony, just seen your message you sent me yesterday. Yes I agree, it is getting worse by the week.

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I guess posting crime stats helps would be migrants decide which suburbs they'd like to avoid, but to be honest, I don't think that anyone believes that anywhere is crime free.


I checked the crime stats of my suburb before I bought my house. We looked at a number of houses where Keefo lives and I am glad I didn't buy there now, sounds horrific. I do think Perth is particularly bad though for Facebook pages highlighting all this stuff.

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Guest Guest6235
I don't mean to argue with you but are you seriously telling me that where you come from is crime free. Nobody is sexually assaulted, no chavs bother people walking down the street, nobody you know has encountered crime. Most people in England would love to know where that is as they'd all move there tomorrow. I sometimes wonder what makes someone like you chuck in the towel and emigrate when you appear to have had such a cushy life.

It was more for things to do here Arwen that we 'chucked in the towel' as near us there wasn't a great deal. I guess on that score research, research and more research (which we did) proves until you get somewhere you realise what there actually is. Also my wife couldn't bare teaching in the UK anymore because of all the politics, how they got pushed, long hours, whereas here she likes where she works as it's much more relaxed compared to the UK. I'd go back tomorrow, also my daughter would get to see her grandparents there and great free education.

Who knows in the future.....there maybe no buts about it and just have to go back, depends what happens.

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The crimes being reported are pretty much the same as what happens in Uk, with the exception of hooning which is quite a pastime over here. People see it more these days because they have all the info at there finger tips with modern technology/social media where as, say 10/15 years ago, you wouldn't have heard about the crime unless it happened to you / your family or you heard it at pub / at bus stop / school gates.

There is no winner to the which is safer Perth or any city in UK argument, as everyone has different experiences and different exposure. For me I have very little exposure as im generally at home after 7pm with family or at work at a secure international airport, pretty much the same as the UK, but its only here that I have experienced any crime directly affecting me. So its natural to say that Perth is worse for me. Mostly you hear about these things happening to other people in other towns or streets....on tv/internet/FBook or whatever but I really couldnt give a stuff unless its happening to me, my family or my property. I'll happily talk about it on here so people who are coming over have an idea of what to expect based on my personal experiences or info I have read/seen/heard.

Nobody informed me of what it was like when I moved over, even my own family which were here. So we had a massive eye opening when it happened to us within 3 months of arriving.

So i'll continue to share my experiences for another 5 weeks before I go back to my sleepy hollow of the west midlands, where apparently I will be surrounded by IS troops and Syrian refugees lining the streets.

Oh did you see that one about the serial rapist / sex offender cruising the perth train stations????? Scary stuff :(

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If you're referring to the Facebook message regarding a rapist who attacked woman on the Joondaloop line, it was an old news report from 2010 and the offender is behind bars! Possibly highlighting the fact someone on Facebook likes to perpetuate the myth we are all in imminant danger as soon as we leave our front door! Thank you for everyone's concerns about my safety walking around the CBD at night but if you read this news item, you'll find he struck during the day. Highlighting the fact all woman should learn to defend themselves because who knows what could happen! Well obviously not if you live in Keefos old village but the rest of us living in this hell hole are scuppered!

Edited by Shirleyt
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The crimes being reported are pretty much the same as what happens in Uk, with the exception of hooning which is quite a pastime over here. People see it more these days because they have all the info at there finger tips with modern technology/social media where as, say 10/15 years ago, you wouldn't have heard about the crime unless it happened to you / your family or you heard it at pub / at bus stop / school gates.

There is no winner to the which is safer Perth or any city in UK argument, as everyone has different experiences and different exposure. For me I have very little exposure as im generally at home after 7pm with family or at work at a secure international airport, pretty much the same as the UK, but its only here that I have experienced any crime directly affecting me. So its natural to say that Perth is worse for me. Mostly you hear about these things happening to other people in other towns or streets....on tv/internet/FBook or whatever but I really couldnt give a stuff unless its happening to me, my family or my property. I'll happily talk about it on here so people who are coming over have an idea of what to expect based on my personal experiences or info I have read/seen/heard.

Nobody informed me of what it was like when I moved over, even my own family which were here. So we had a massive eye opening when it happened to us within 3 months of arriving.

So i'll continue to share my experiences for another 5 weeks before I go back to my sleepy hollow of the west midlands, where apparently I will be surrounded by IS troops and Syrian refugees lining the streets.

Oh did you see that one about the serial rapist / sex offender cruising the perth train stations????? Scary stuff :(




I was referring to Plimthings last line!

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Like wise.


I lived 15 minutes from Peterborough which is a fairly big city. By your rationale my village is comparable to a suburb 15 minutes from Perth City which could be one of many different suburbs of varying quality of life, crime, social demographics and size. Perth is a massive city in population and size and isn't comparable in anyway to many (if not most) places in the UK and comparing your little town in the East Riding of Yorkshire to a suburb of a State Capital City is IMO quite frankly a bit silly.

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I lived 15 minutes from Peterborough which is a fairly big city. By your rationale my village is comparable to a suburb 15 minutes from Perth City which could be one of many different suburbs of varying quality of life, crime, social demographics and size. Perth is a massive city in population and size and isn't comparable in anyway to many (if not most) places in the UK and comparing your little town in the East Riding of Yorkshire to a suburb of a State Capital City is IMO quite frankly a bit silly.

size and population, comparable to London, Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham

West Midlands, which is pretty much one big concrete mass, has a greater population than WA.

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Surely the over-riding factor is that we should all be aware of our personal circumstances at all times and not put ourselves in danger wherever we are or go. Things like locking your house and car securely; not leaving items of value on show in your car or house (eg: curtains open and a computer on a desk in the window); walking down dark alleys at night alone; walking in areas known to have itinerants lounging around.... etc. These are all common sense to me and things I take into account at all times. Probably comes from having had a Police Officer for a husband I guess. But having said that, I admit that in the last 25 years since we moved to Perth, the crime rate has increased here, exactly as it has in all other countries and in direct relation to the rise in drug and alcohol abuse around the world. There is a line between being obsessive about crime possibly happening to you or around you, and just being sensible about your personal cirucmstances and safety though, and I think more people should strive for that line instead of always being so full of fear and negative.

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Guest Guest6235
Surely the over-riding factor is that we should all be aware of our personal circumstances at all times and not put ourselves in danger wherever we are or go. Things like locking your house.


I do have to agree with you on this. I'm sure the crime figures would drop a lot if people didn't leave their garages open, I've knocked on a few doors near us just giving them a friendly reminder and they've been very thankful.....they just happened to forget. Also the amount of people that don't lock their sliding doors is very alarming (no pun intented). A lady we know has moved into a house in a new development and she woke on two consecutive mornings to find footprints in the sand (not paved yet), she had heard them try the doors but luckily she was one of the sensible ones and had locked both.

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Guest Guest6235
size and population, comparable to London, Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham

West Midlands, which is pretty much one big concrete mass, has a greater population than WA.

She's entitled to an opinion Tony......I know there isn't 1.5m people in a handful of suburbs NOR where lots of crime happens.

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She's entitled to an opinion Tony......I know there isn't 1.5m people in a handful of suburbs NOR where lots of crime happens.


you are not understanding what I mean. Clearly I know that the population of a few suburbs isn't 1.5m but those suburbs form part of a big state capital and shouldn't be compared to a small town on the outskirts of a a small UK city. The problems that come with being a suburb in a bigger city are far greater than the issues that come with the a small town on the outskirts of a smaller UK city. The crime rate has risen without a doubt, that I don't disagree with but to put it in perspective your suburb had 71 burglaries in 2015 according the the police crime statistics. There are over 3000 houses in your suburb so while that is higher than in previous years it really isn't anything to worry about if you take the correct precautions as you say like closing garage doors, closing windows when you go out etc.


I genuinely hope you can make strides towards moving back, it must be really draining to constantly be living in fear.

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