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Safety in perth


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Guest Guest6235

Misunderstanding, I don't live in fear lol as you say. I'm putting people in the picture who aren't here yet of all the crime that goes on in so called salubrious suburbs and the not so good. I know before we came out nobody dare mention it as it was a very flowery forum and the topic was skirted around. It was mainly how much a pint of milk was etc. Research from afar does not work. Before you say that we do live in fear because of such events as not getting into the lift with somebody who looked very unpredictable........well as Rossy says.....you just don't put yourself in those positions.

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Misunderstanding, I don't live in fear lol as you say. I'm putting people in the picture who aren't here yet of all the crime that goes on in so called salubrious suburbs and the not so good. I know before we came out nobody dare mention it as it was a very flowery forum and the topic was skirted around. It was mainly how much a pint of milk was etc. Research from afar does not work. Before you say that we do live in fear because of such events as not getting into the lift with somebody who looked very unpredictable........well as Rossy says.....you just don't put yourself in those positions.


I agree, both sides should be represented and I am not denying that crime happens and in some suburbs such as yours it is high and has increased substantially in recent years. It's just your comparisons that I disagree with.

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Guest Guest6235



Admittedly it's not like parts where I used to live when you would have nice suburbs then to get to the areas where it wasn't so good you'd have to go 25-30 mins to the 'estates' or inner cities. Here you could live in a very well off area then just across the main road such as Marmion it would be the suburb that some people would class as the not so good.


Something for people not here yet as you won't see the local tv for research purposes.

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Guest Guest6235

Just one thing


It's been tried before by members but they've all be shot down in flames by other members and then dare not post their views anymore. I've had pm's from quite a few people and one I believe you're close to on here who says it's not worth posting too many negative views as it causes too much friction.


Hmmm funny that.

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Guest Guest6235
Keefo if you don't mind my asking, where is it you live? (not too much detail obv on address). We like ocean reef burns beach and ilika as potential places to settle x

All i can say then after the forum being dulled down is follow 9news Perth on FB and the related article about the high spike in crime.


Not sure if you saw it before it was removed but it's Tapping where I am. 5 mins from Burns.

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Couple of things.


First, please do not post Facebook links, we will remove them.


Secondly, with hundreds of members, a great many with years of residency here in Perth, if crime is so prevalent, why are there not more people coming forward to raise concern?


Hmmm, funny that.


Crime here has increased in the 10 years I have lived here but it has probably increased in the area I lived in in the UK too. It's about perceptions. I am not constantly on social media, I am not scouring the news for negative stories. I see the news for what it is, typical of life in a first world large city. I can't change it, I can just take appropriate precautions and live my life and enjoy it. Crime doesn't figure in my daily conversations with friends, strangers or work colleagues.


I have no problem with posters informing potential migrants of the downsides to living here it's the constant negativity as if these things don't ever happen anywhere else in the world that grates me.

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Just one thing


It's been tried before by members but they've all be shot down in flames by other members and then dare not post their views anymore. I've had pm's from quite a few people and one I believe you're close to on here who says it's not worth posting too many negative views as it causes too much friction.


Hmmm funny that.


I'm not sure how old you are but you come across as quite young, PMs behind the scenes talking about other posters. Sounds a bit juvenile to me.

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Just one thing


It's been tried before by members but they've all be shot down in flames by other members and then dare not post their views anymore. I've had pm's from quite a few people and one I believe you're close to on here who says it's not worth posting too many negative views as it causes too much friction.


Hmmm funny that.


The thing is, if this were a pub, and internet forums are often likened so, with a good mix of locals and visitors and there were one or two people shouting about how crap it is around here then visitors would likely leave and never return. They'd also likely leave better informed about those individuals, not necessarily about the area or the other patrons.


I find your posts and your point of view quite amusing and as long as you don't break the rules, as a mod I certainly see no reason to intervene but I am curious about your motives when there don't seem to be many who share your point of view.


If you or anyone on here has cause for concern about anything they read, either in open posts or PM's I would urge them to report it to one of the mods. I personally found this forum to be extremely helpful pre and post move and I didn't read a great deal about the crime levels in Perth. Fortunately the absence of such information only reflects my personal experience over the past four years.

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Well, to chuck my oar in.


The crimes that I've heard about the last year, direct from the source.


Friends - South Perth - Break in. Pretty much everything taken. Inc a lot of personal items (like wedding albums). They eventually caught the person, but practically everything had been sold or binned.


Parents - Mt Nasura - Break in. Didn't get into the house, but did a good job breaking the garage door off it's hinges. Police not found anyone, even though they left a motorbike and a wallet with credit cards in.


That's been it really. No fights, no cars stolen, no meth labs.


I'm sure it'll change, but it's about the same as any city in the UK. You'll have good areas and bad.

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Some posts deleted, people shouldn't have to be forced to discuss their personal situations in response to remarks made.


Please all remind yourselves of the forum rules - we encourage healthy debate and banter but not personal insults.


We don't all have to agree with each other - but we should be able to respect the other persons point of view

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The wa commissioner has admitted that he doesn't know why crime has got so high and reported crimes increasing by double figures weekly. To top this off and going back to a post I put on a month or so back regarding kids breaking into cars, they arrested a school boy last night at 0115 am for doing just that in my suburb.his mate got away.

His official stat, and we all like stats, was 600 reported crimes per day in WA. That is for the whole of WA, but it was only the reported ones too. This with a population of approx 2.5million in WA.

I don't like to scare monger about this nor is it my intention, I've had to make the hard decision to go back to UK recently and people say I must be mad," its safer here in Perth" well I'm doing my own studies to reassure myself it actually is just the same. So for all the newcomers or dreamers out there thinking this is a tranquil paradise it isnt, nor is it the Bronx, Rio, Damascus. Its just like home but sunny, well sometimes its sunny

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The wa commissioner has admitted that he doesn't know why crime has got so high and reported crimes increasing by double figures weekly. To top this off and going back to a post I put on a month or so back regarding kids breaking into cars, they arrested a school boy last night at 0115 am for doing just that in my suburb.his mate got away.

His official stat, and we all like stats, was 600 reported crimes per day in WA. That is for the whole of WA, but it was only the reported ones too. This with a population of approx 2.5million in WA.

I don't like to scare monger about this nor is it my intention, I've had to make the hard decision to go back to UK recently and people say I must be mad," its safer here in Perth" well I'm doing my own studies to reassure myself it actually is just the same. So for all the newcomers or dreamers out there thinking this is a tranquil paradise it isnt, nor is it the Bronx, Rio, Damascus. Its just like home but sunny, well sometimes its sunny


I don't think anyone has ever said they thought this place was some sort of tranquil paradise, but most of us are certain it is not as bad as the UK for crime, you have mentioned schoolkids breaking into cars, well back in my hometown they are maiming and killing one another, violent crime is a way of life back home with frequent and repeated reports of youths fighting, stabbing, shooting, stealing, drug dealing and drinking alcohol on a daily basis, there is not a city in the UK that is exempt to this. There are no go areas in cities back in the UK, places where non one is safe walking day or night and places where most of the crime goes unreported and police success rates in solving crimes are pretty poor, if you are burgled back home don't expect it to be solved and your belongings returned, police take a report and file it.


Having said all that although I have been exposed to crime back home I have never been the victim of a crime, my home town is Glasgow which gets a bad rep from those that have never visited, but it is a pretty safe place in which to live, I believe that Perth is safer than Glasgow, or any other city in the UK, but that doesn't mean I leave my doors and windows open, don't lock my car or walk around at night with my wallet hanging out my pocket and give the thieves an easy opportunity, but I would never factor in the crime rate here in Perth to make a decision for moving back home, as I honestly believe this city to be the safest I have ever lived in and am happy to raise my kids here, if I thought this place was spiraling out of control I would move tomorrow, but it isn't so I won't.


Social media has a lot to answer for in the hysterical way some things are reported, however I am not naive and know **** happens, maybe its how you deal with it that matters.

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I don't think anyone has ever said they thought this place was some sort of tranquil paradise, but most of us are certain it is not as bad as the UK for crime, you have mentioned schoolkids breaking into cars, well back in my hometown they are maiming and killing one another, violent crime is a way of life back home with frequent and repeated reports of youths fighting, stabbing, shooting, stealing, drug dealing and drinking alcohol on a daily basis, there is not a city in the UK that is exempt to this. There are no go areas in cities back in the UK, places where non one is safe walking day or night and places where most of the crime goes unreported and police success rates in solving crimes are pretty poor, if you are burgled back home don't expect it to be solved and your belongings returned, police take a report and file it.


Having said all that although I have been exposed to crime back home I have never been the victim of a crime, my home town is Glasgow which gets a bad rep from those that have never visited, but it is a pretty safe place in which to live, I believe that Perth is safer than Glasgow, or any other city in the UK, but that doesn't mean I leave my doors and windows open, don't lock my car or walk around at night with my wallet hanging out my pocket and give the thieves an easy opportunity, but I would never factor in the crime rate here in Perth to make a decision for moving back home, as I honestly believe this city to be the safest I have ever lived in and am happy to raise my kids here, if I thought this place was spiraling out of control I would move tomorrow, but it isn't so I won't.


Social media has a lot to answer for in the hysterical way some things are reported, however I am not naive and know **** happens, maybe its how you deal with it that matters.



What a very reasoned and balanced comment John C.... thanks for that.

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I don't think anyone has ever said they thought this place was some sort of tranquil paradise, but most of us are certain it is not as bad as the UK for crime, you have mentioned schoolkids breaking into cars, well back in my hometown they are maiming and killing one another, violent crime is a way of life back home with frequent and repeated reports of youths fighting, stabbing, shooting, stealing, drug dealing and drinking alcohol on a daily basis, there is not a city in the UK that is exempt to this. There are no go areas in cities back in the UK, places where non one is safe walking day or night and places where most of the crime goes unreported and police success rates in solving crimes are pretty poor, if you are burgled back home don't expect it to be solved and your belongings returned, police take a report and file it.


Having said all that although I have been exposed to crime back home I have never been the victim of a crime, my home town is Glasgow which gets a bad rep from those that have never visited, but it is a pretty safe place in which to live, I believe that Perth is safer than Glasgow, or any other city in the UK, but that doesn't mean I leave my doors and windows open, don't lock my car or walk around at night with my wallet hanging out my pocket and give the thieves an easy opportunity, but I would never factor in the crime rate here in Perth to make a decision for moving back home, as I honestly believe this city to be the safest I have ever lived in and am happy to raise my kids here, if I thought this place was spiraling out of control I would move tomorrow, but it isn't so I won't.


Social media has a lot to answer for in the hysterical way some things are reported, however I am not naive and know **** happens, maybe its how you deal with it that matters.


Exactly my thoughts JohnC. Good post.

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I don't think anyone has ever said they thought this place was some sort of tranquil paradise, but most of us are certain it is not as bad as the UK for crime, you have mentioned schoolkids breaking into cars, well back in my hometown they are maiming and killing one another, violent crime is a way of life back home with frequent and repeated reports of youths fighting, stabbing, shooting, stealing, drug dealing and drinking alcohol on a daily basis, there is not a city in the UK that is exempt to this. There are no go areas in cities back in the UK, places where non one is safe walking day or night and places where most of the crime goes unreported and police success rates in solving crimes are pretty poor, if you are burgled back home don't expect it to be solved and your belongings returned, police take a report and file it.


Having said all that although I have been exposed to crime back home I have never been the victim of a crime, my home town is Glasgow which gets a bad rep from those that have never visited, but it is a pretty safe place in which to live, I believe that Perth is safer than Glasgow, or any other city in the UK, but that doesn't mean I leave my doors and windows open, don't lock my car or walk around at night with my wallet hanging out my pocket and give the thieves an easy opportunity, but I would never factor in the crime rate here in Perth to make a decision for moving back home, as I honestly believe this city to be the safest I have ever lived in and am happy to raise my kids here, if I thought this place was spiraling out of control I would move tomorrow, but it isn't so I won't.


Social media has a lot to answer for in the hysterical way some things are reported, however I am not naive and know **** happens, maybe its how you deal with it that matters.



Not or supported by any statistics though. These show crime is overall about the same as the UK with some fluctuations in particular offences. Interestingly, this is before the recent big jumps in many of the crime statistics which have nearly 50% increases in crime across Perth.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not or supported by any statistics though. These show crime is overall about the same as the UK with some fluctuations in particular offences. Interestingly, this is before the recent big jumps in many of the crime statistics which have nearly 50% increases in crime across Perth.



I remember a funny quote from a football manager whose team wasn't performing as it should and being questioned on his teams stats, he said "Statistics are like mini skirts, they can hide everything and never give you the full picture, or show you the good stuff".


Crime statistics will be massaged by whatever political agenda is on the table at the time, pre election is always a time when these figures are thrown in the face of the ruling parties.

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