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nurse / aphra / visa question ?


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Just a quicky …. just wondered if i get my aphra approved ( this month i hope … if not next ) … and if my permenant visa isnt available yet - could i move to wa on some sort of holiday/ temp visa type a thang ???


just wondering any info welcome … please … thank you x

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If you're on a visitor visa - you wouldn't be able to work, there's also a job freeze on at the moment so not sponsorship visa's will be available. As Stormy said, you may have to be off shore when the PR visa is granted - a lot of people go to Bali for this - but it is an additional expense for flights/accommodation/holiday expenses that you'd probably be able to use in setting up your home.

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Ok guys thanks , just as i thought really …… this time of year in the UK always gets me down ! just making me eager to get over there ;o)


Chap im dealing with did say though due to job freeze ( does anyone know how long this may last ) …. once aphra sorted and my PR Visa comes through he can offer me temp work until somthing available at new childrens hospital. ….. Just a job offer would help us feel more secure !


Anyhow thanks again guys

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Hi Ali, I've been reading this post and just wanted to ask about the job freeze - I'm an ITU nurse, planning to move to Perth in June/July time . I already have the or visa and ahpra registration in place, so was going to start applying for jobs in the new year...... Is this a freeze of nursing jobs state-wide? Or just for state sponsored nurses?

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Hi Ali, I've been reading this post and just wanted to ask about the job freeze - I'm an ITU nurse, planning to move to Perth in June/July time . I already have the or visa and ahpra registration in place, so was going to start applying for jobs in the new year...... Is this a freeze of nursing jobs state-wide? Or just for state sponsored nurses?


It is state wide for pretty much every public sector area.

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Yes, im a paediatric nurse in cardio …… So dissapointed as weve been at this for 3 years but only just got back on it due to failing the ilets so many times - left us so deflated .


But last year we said thats it! - so got back on it and past ilets - Even sold house to release funds and pay for visa process.

So were sat here now paid for everything , thousands spent …………………. thinking is this really meant to be ? We have been forced to jump through hoop after hoop on this journey and now if we do get out , all i may be offered is temp work .


And to think when we started the process we got so many offers of "ring us " as soon as youve got your registration , due to be a paediatric nurse in cards …. gosh i felt quite in demand :o)


I have been offered a job in Melbourne ….. but WA is where our heart is really .


what will be will be , i supose

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Are you from Bradford Pegg?


No , where from Midlands - leicester area .

As we have kids they where upset when we sold family home so we just want to make next move a more permanent one …. So couldnt face working in Melbourne then Perth.


But well see , paid for everything ( visas etc ) PR ……… So worst comes like i mentioned maybe i could bak shift ???? Or get over and hubby get bricklaying or something …. pretty versatile couple so we will see :o)

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