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Looking for as much advice as poss on the big move


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Hey. I'm a beauty therapist and my other half a painter & decorator. We have two young girls, aged 4 and 8 months. Moving to Perth is something we have thought about for a long time. We are very much at the start of this journey so any help / advice / info anyone can give us would be fab.


How much money should we be looking to bring with us to start out ?

What is the current work situation like for painters ?

is it worth bringing our furniture etc with us ?

what should we expect our monthly outgoings to be ?


Thanks in advance



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Hi sarah

I may not be the right person for this as I am only at the stage where my EOI has gone in. In response to your questions I will give you answers as to how much I have found out.

Money, you need at least £ 7000 pound to arrive in the country with. In total it cost us as a family of 4 for a 189 visa is approx £12000 including flights and that's going with an agent.

i have friends in Perth in the construction industry and by all accounts it is thriving at the minute.

furniture, we have been told by friends that only take what you really want to take as it costs more the more you take as need bigger container

in relation to the outgoings my friends who live out there is that if you both work you will have money left at the end of the month which both family's never had in the uk.

we are moving out at the beginning of August with 2 girls aged 16 and 11 and we are all so excited and are sure it's the best move for us as a family.

i hope I have helped a bit

regards Chris

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Hi sarah

I may not be the right person for this as I am only at the stage where my EOI has gone in. In response to your questions I will give you answers as to how much I have found out.

Money, you need at least £ 7000 pound to arrive in the country with. In total it cost us as a family of 4 for a 189 visa is approx £12000 including flights and that's going with an agent.

i have friends in Perth in the construction industry and by all accounts it is thriving at the minute.

furniture, we have been told by friends that only take what you really want to take as it costs more the more you take as need bigger container

in relation to the outgoings my friends who live out there is that if you both work you will have money left at the end of the month which both family's never had in the uk.

we are moving out at the beginning of August with 2 girls aged 16 and 11 and we are all so excited and are sure it's the best move for us as a family.

i hope I have helped a bit

regards Chris


Regarding furniture , i keep thinking what to bring …. cheapest option is move cube but am sure this will cost £2k , thing is with us - our furniture is crap ! So we keep thinking should we sell all furniture and buy new - as ikea in perth and plenty more shops to get bits from .


However i supose pictures etc would be nice to take .


Lots to think about guys ;o)

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Concentrate for now on the visa. You will have time to research the rest.


Money, you need to bring as much as you can. There are no defined amounts, but, set up can be expensive and you need a minimum to live for at least 3 months and preferably 6 months while you find work.


The he construction industry is actually becoming very subdued now in Perth. A year ago things were booming, but now we have members working in construction struggling to get full time work. Hopefully things will improve.


Furniture shipping is up to you. It depends on what condition it is in and do you have the money to replace it here.


Out goings are too personal. But you can look on realestate.com.au for an idea of rents, Coles.com.au will give an idea of groceries. Domestic bills we find are similar to the UK.

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Thanks guys this has been fab and has def gave us things to think about. Slightly disheartening about the trades being subdued.ill def keep an eye on this.


Best thing to do is take alook on line at jobs in Perth …. we were looking at Bubury mail yesterday and a good few adverts for construction trades ….. i reckon if you want it - and its meant to be ….. then go for it ;o)

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  • 3 weeks later...
We are also unsure if to take furniture as our is also pretty crap!! But I'm told it's expensive to buy out there.


Depends where you shop. We brought everything and ended up having to buy more stuff as the house was bigger and we needed outdoor furniture/BBQ For us, it cost less to ship out stuff than it would have done to furnish the house, additionally, as a newbie we didn't know where the hell to shop - having our old stuff gave us the luxury of being able to take our time replacing stuff.


Have a look at Ikea and Super A Mart on line

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Before you start even thinking about what to bring with you, you should firstly find out if you would even qualify for a visa. No good getting all excited only to find that there is no visa applicable to your circumstances. Have a look at the DoBP website http://www.border.gov.au.


Also bear in mind that there is a downturn in the economy in WA underway at the moment and whilst there is still building going on, it is less than two years ago and slowing.


There are also some good threads on this forum about what to bring and peoples views and comments on their particular situations, and you might find it beneficial to have a look through these.


I am not meaning to put a dampener on your enthusiasm, but just trying to be a realist.


There are many very helpful people on this forum, and I hope we can all help you with your queries.

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