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URGENT! Any available visa avenues?


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Hey guys, just a quick conundrum that my partner's mother really needs help with:


So she's 59-years-old and trying to find a visa avenue into Oz. She has enough money in the bank to support herself and the majority of her kids in down under (although doesn't really associate with one and he would tip the balance).


Having lived and grew up in Perth as a child, she left the country many years back due to a family issue in England and left it too late to return without having claimed her citizenship (oh how she regrets that).


From what I gather she had one visa in mind but the processing time is 30 years or something silly like that, which is obviously no good.


Any help would be massively appreciated guys.

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Contributory parent visa if she passes the balance of family test and has the funds

Hey Ali, thanks for the reply.


I actually looked into the contributory parent visa before posting this. Don't think that would be an option due to the fact that we haven't lived in Oz for two years and therefore couldn't sponsor her.


She does have another child who has lived in Perth for a lot longer but unfortunately he and her don't get along.


It would seem we're in a pickle.

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During the two years, she could get a 600 visa. This is a visa valid for 3 years and is a tourist visa, so she couldn't work or be entitled to benefits - though is entitled to reciprocal healthcare. It allows her to stay for up to 6 months at a time. In between 6 month visits, she could just pop out of Australia for a day and re-enter for 6 months. Then, when the two years is up, she could do the cpv application onshore and be granted a bridging visa - though still with no work rights.

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Yes, though with some restrictions. She would need FIRB approval, though that isn't usually a big deal. She would also need a very substantial deposit in order to get a mortgage. Whether it is wise to do so, is another matter. There is always a risk they change the rules and she becomes ineligible - in the time I have been around, they have changed the entire system and binned a lot of visas. Late last year a large number of visas known as cat 5 had all their applications cancelled without notice and a large number had being waiting on bridging visas for years.


Also, would she still want to stay if you guys didn't? Not saying you won't, but it is always a chance.

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Yeah Stormy I imagine she would stay with or without us. Her best friends are all Aussies and I know she has wanted to go back for many years now - us also heading out seems to have been the final push needed though.


The more I think about the 600 visa, the more it is beginning to sound ideal. A quick flight out of Ox every 6 months really shouldn't be an issue and she wouldn't be working anyway.


Would need to look into transfering her UK pensions over though.

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It would be wise to take some proffessional advice.


I am am not sure if it is possible to transfer pensions on a 600 and there are new rules regarding transfers which have some significant limiting effects. Maybe post something to John from Moneycorp.


She would also need to be aware that state pensions are frozen at the level they are at - so effectively reducing every year.

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