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It is going to be crazy hectic


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Well, I had some good news on Tuesday night. I got a job offer in the UK! Which I am very pleased with and have accepted. The role is quarry manager at a quarry in Berkshire very close to Heathrow.


But.... I need to start work on the 8th March!!!! So, I need to fly on the 5th. That gives us less than two weeks to pack, sell most of our stuff, hopefully sell the house, sell the car and move to the other side of the world.




We spent yesterday booking the dog and should have him sorted this morning. Booked my flight, arranged temporary accomodation. Managed to get a lovely 1 bed room barn conversion on the outskirts of a little village and only two mins walk to a 14th centurary gastro pub :)


today, once the dogs flight is confirmed - hoping for the 10th, I will book my wife, start getting all our stuff on gumtree, pack personal things and arrange to ship them.


It it is going to be a busy time!

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Congratulations, that's great news. Sounds like a busy time. Your realistic advice and knowledge on here will be greatly missed VS, could you still contribute from the UK ?! Your new accommodation sounds lovely and glad you've got a good pub near, that's one thing we miss here!


Don't worry, you cant get rid of me that easy. I will still be on here

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Wow Stormy that is one whirlwind packup session you have ahead of you. But well done on the job. Can't you rent out the house in case you want to come back - I know you put so much into your dream home and it must be hard to sell it... been there and done that, so understand how hard it can be. anything us PPers can do to help you? Rossy

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Is your job at one of the 'gravel pits' near Colnbrook / Poyle area? I used to live and work around the Heathrow area so if this area is new to you and need any info then let me know and I'll try to help.


Ooooohhhh thank you. Yes, I am going to be the quarry manager. I have never been to that area and ANY advice is helpful. Such as where to live, what it is like to live, costs, and anything you can think of. In particular, if you know anyone looking to let a property!

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Wow Stormy that is one whirlwind packup session you have ahead of you. But well done on the job. Can't you rent out the house in case you want to come back - I know you put so much into your dream home and it must be hard to sell it... been there and done that, so understand how hard it can be. anything us PPers can do to help you? Rossy


Would have loved to rent it out. But, it's not financially viable.

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Thanks everyone, it is going to be hard and we know that there will be some bumps in the road, but, looking forward to a new chapter in our lives.


One of the things we have missed most is my wife's brother and his family - two little kids who are a big piece of our hearts, possible because we don't have children. But, my new job and where we will live is 20 minutes away from them. We also love London, but wouldn't want to live in it. So, this is perfect as very close. If we want to go and see a gallery or a museum, it is only half an hour away.

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Well, I had some good news on Tuesday night. I got a job offer in the UK! Which I am very pleased with and have accepted. The role is quarry manager at a quarry in Berkshire very close to Heathrow.


But.... I need to start work on the 8th March!!!! So, I need to fly on the 5th. That gives us less than two weeks to pack, sell most of our stuff, hopefully sell the house, sell the car and move to the other side of the world.




We spent yesterday booking the dog and should have him sorted this morning. Booked my flight, arranged temporary accomodation. Managed to get a lovely 1 bed room barn conversion on the outskirts of a little village and only two mins walk to a 14th centurary gastro pub :)


today, once the dogs flight is confirmed - hoping for the 10th, I will book my wife, start getting all our stuff on gumtree, pack personal things and arrange to ship them.


It it is going to be a busy time!


Don't give the house away. Off-peak you can get cheap flights back to oz to deal with legalities.

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Couldn't resist this as I am soooo looking forward to it - particularly the pub at the end of the road. But this is where we are staying when we get back.


Good look verystormy. I bet it will feel right when you land back home. We'll wait in Australia West or East for another 2 1/2 years until we can get citizenship, this is mainly for our daughters benefit, so she can go and live in NZ or oz no problem when she's older & then we'll be out of here.

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Ooooohhhh thank you. Yes, I am going to be the quarry manager. I have never been to that area and ANY advice is helpful. Such as where to live, what it is like to live, costs, and anything you can think of. In particular, if you know anyone looking to let a property!


To look for property to either buy or rent you can check on zoopla website. Nowhere in the area west of London / Heathrow is cheap although like most places there are good areas and not so good areas. The main things to consider would be noise from planes, commuting time and the possibility of flooding if you live near the river.


If you look at an aerial view of Heathrow you will see the runways run East / West. If you imagine a straight line from Heathrow towards Windsor and beyond they will be the areas most affected by plane noise. Obviously the further out you go the less you will notice them. Also if you go on the north or south side of Heathrow it is slightly quieter as the planes don't fly directly over these areas. Be warned that if Heathrow ever does get a third runway it will probably be on the north side, but this may never happen.


Your commute time will depend on where you end up living and what roads you use. The M25, M4, M40 & M3 in that area are always busy during mornings & evenings and even worse on Friday afternoons and if it is wet. This can cause you commute time to vary wildly even doubling your journey time on a bad day. I usually tried to stick to back roads at peak hours.


With regards to flooding, it happens rarely in this area but it does happen. Datchet and Wraysbury / Staines areas got hit quite badly during the last floods I remember about 3 years ago.


If you plan regular trips to London and will be taking the train (driving and parking is expensive and can be stressful in London) you should try to be near a train station on the main line to London (probably on the Reading - Waterloo line).


The nicer areas would be Windsor or Ascot but these are also expensive areas to live. If you prefer rural living more than town living you will be quite restricted but would suggest looking in the areas between the M4 and M3 motorways outside the M25. Train access will be more limited in some of these areas. If you go as far as Camberley / Farnborough or Bracknell you could be looking at a commute time of up to an hour with heavy traffic.


Are you looking to rent a house or a flat and how many bedrooms? I see you also have a dog which may rule out some rentals.


Have you booked any transport from the airport to your initial rental?

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