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Saying goodbye to parents when they've visited


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Just waved goodbye to my Dad and his wife, they've been with us for 6 weeks and it pulls at the heart strings a bit.

The in laws have been over 3 times and I know they'll be back pretty soon. Due to health issues/finances/age I haven't seen my Dad for nearly 2 years and unless we visit the Uk we won't see him again for another 3 years.

We're coming up to 2 years in Perth and I'd say we're pretty settled, we've bought a house, have decent jobs and had an Aussie baby.

But waving goodbye to my Dad has stirred up emotions about 'home' that I never thought would bother me, I know it's only a blip but I thought I'd share to see what other people's experiences are.

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I totally understand how you feel. When we were in oz before and my mum left I cried a lot! at the airport and my hubby had to quickly usher me out the airport. My dad had already left as he only had two weeks and I felt so bad leaving her when she was flying back on her own. It's tough at the time but it will pass

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We've been here 9 years and there are tears every time although they're now less of a torrent and overcome more easily. My dad visited a year after we moved, my son was inconsolable on the way home from the airport and as such said he wouldn't go to the airport again with anyone to say goodbye (he was 8 and has stuck to it).


It's the sad part of being a migrant, but both my dad and in-laws left telling us how much they loved seeing the lives we'd carved out here,

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