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A week to go until the big move


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So here we are with a week until we make the big move to Perth!! It's been a long old process to get there but finally did and now the panick buttons are going!! We know we are doing the right thing for us and our son but jeez isn't it hard saying all the goodbyes to family and friends? It's my last day at work tomorrow after 13 long years and I'm going to find it very hard having made some good friends in this time, I think I'm really just posting this on here for some support from others who have or a going through this same situation as we are, as we are starting to find it really hard!

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So here we are with a week until we make the big move to Perth!! It's been a long old process to get there but finally did and now the panick buttons are going!! We know we are doing the right thing for us and our son but jeez isn't it hard saying all the goodbyes to family and friends? It's my last day at work tomorrow after 13 long years and I'm going to find it very hard having made some good friends in this time, I think I'm really just posting this on here for some support from others who have or a going through this same situation as we are, as we are starting to find it really hard!


I cried like a baby leaving work and couldn't read my card properly for about 2 days without getting tearful.. I think why work was so difficult was that I knew it was probably the last time i'd see people again whereas family we'd hoped would come and visit.


The tears are very normal - good luck with the move xx

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So here we are with a week until we make the big move to Perth!! It's been a long old process to get there but finally did and now the panick buttons are going!! We know we are doing the right thing for us and our son but jeez isn't it hard saying all the goodbyes to family and friends? It's my last day at work tomorrow after 13 long years and I'm going to find it very hard having made some good friends in this time, I think I'm really just posting this on here for some support from others who have or a going through this same situation as we are, as we are starting to find it really hard!



It is so hard you are leaving a place that you have been all your life.

Most people you will never see again.

Leaving a job and if you have not got a job to go to is very scary.

But you will built a new life it will be hard and sad.

But you must remmber why you are doing this and you will get there.

Good luck and think of the lovely new live in the sun.

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