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Teachers-is the grass greener on the other side of the world?!


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My husband and I are both qualified secondary school teachers (math and science) with 3 years of teaching experience. However, I have recently quit to become a stay at home mum as the work load at my school had become unbearable.


My question is...what is teaching in a secondary school in WA really like?


I lived and studied in Perth for two years as part of my degree so I know I love the area and the lifestyle but I'm wondering if teaching is any less stressful over there?


Thanks for reading :)



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Hi, my wife is a secondary school English teacher. For her it's been a great change more rewarding and has been put through all sorts of training to get her at the top. Yes she'll still has to mark a lot and this is pretty much same as back in the uk but what a great place to live in Perth. Also the term times are drifferent think ten weeks and two off I think. Hope this helps a little. Good luck

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The workload as a teacher I think is less in WA. That said WA are looking into new fads and trends like the UK do and workload will probably increase over time. Aussie teachers are already moaning about this at my school! There are other benefits in terms of employment which is a huge plus, I'm not moving back put it that way!

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Shenton Park is generally full of hard working, intelligent kids, who have very supportive parents, and want an education to get on in life.


Rockingham generally doesn't.


That's,a disgraceful thing to insinuate for shame on you. There's good and bad in every suburb. Generally Rockingham has an older population. There are plenty of hard working people in Rockingham who pay their own way, who have not been born with a silver spoon in their mouths, who are law abiding citizens with children who have gone on to university. Yes admittedly Rockingham has a reputation but believe me there are "good honest real people" who live here, myself and hubby included. In the most affluent areas there are still troubled people. I lived in a very good area in SH so they say couldn't wait to leave.Am now in Rocky I have lovely neighbours and nil incident of crime since moving here. Also Rockingham comprises of Shoalwater Safety Bay Cooloongup Hillman Waikiki Warnbro Port Kennedy Secret Harbour Golden Bay Singleton oh and also Baldivis surely not all the people there have children who are not intelligent nor have supportive parents and do not wish to get on in life.

You should be ashamed of your comment taring all with the same brush you should be more tolerant of people less fortunate than yourself and show some compassion

I really hope your not an educator of sorts your enthusiasm out weighs your ambition

Edited by elfie
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Why take it so personally?


I recently spoke to some teachers that all worked in Rockingham. Some of the stories that I was told about the students would make you cringe.


I personally went to Kelmscott highscool, and that was very similar. I also went to Hollywood Highscool, and that was the polar opposite.


Yes, you will get good/bad kids in both groups. But there will be a measurable difference. Poor performing scools will be harder to work at.


From a quick Google (from 2014)


Highschools - Shenton 6th .. Rockingham 74th




All schools - Shenton 22, Rockingham 149 (joint bottom).

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Why take it so personally?


I recently spoke to some teachers that all worked in Rockingham. Some of the stories that I was told about the students would make you cringe.


I personally went to Kelmscott highscool, and that was very similar. I also went to Hollywood Highscool, and that was the polar opposite.


Yes, you will get good/bad kids in both groups. But there will be a measurable difference. Poor performing scools will be harder to work at.


From a quick Google (from 2014)


Highschools - Shenton 6th .. Rockingham 74th




All schools - Shenton 22, Rockingham 149 (joint bottom).


Highscool? Scool?


Was English not on the curriculum???


Lmao! [emoji85][emoji85][emoji85][emoji85][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just because an area is poorer than another does not give you or anyone the right to state that people are of low intelligence. Your comment was derogatory towards the people of that area with or without school age children. I hope you go far in life with your attitude towards people in poorer areas. Remember though people on the way up should treat people they pass with respect because it can be a hard fall on the way back down. Educators should do their job regardless. Making a difference to just one child in life from a disadvantaged back ground should be a reward far out weighing an easy ride. Oh yes I did take it personally regardless if I lived In Rocky or Shenton Park ......


Oh btw both hubby and I have a good standard of education before you insinuate that because we live in Rocky we are also uneducated..... We choose to live here because it's real not false and we like it........

Edited by elfie
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Highscool? Scool?


Was English not on the curriculum???


Lmao! [emoji85][emoji85][emoji85][emoji85][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


D'oh .. seems I have a sticky H key on my keyboard. Or I've spelt "School" wrong and saved it in my autocorrect, and it's now making me look like an idiot.

Edited by Bibbs
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Just because an area is poorer than another does not give you or anyone the right to state that people are of low intelligence.


Okay, so I'm a person that thinks GENERALLY, the better educated, the more intelligent a person. You'll always have outliers.


Sorry to offend you, but I was just trying to point out that the lower performing schools might be harder to work in than the higher performing ones.

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Just because an area is poorer than another does not give you or anyone the right to state that people are of low intelligence. Your comment was derogatory towards the people of that area with or without school age children. I hope you go far in life with your attitude towards people in poorer areas. Remember though people on the way up should treat people they pass with respect because it can be a hard fall on the way back down. Educators should do their job regardless. Making a difference to just one child in life from a disadvantaged back ground should be a reward far out weighing an easy ride. Oh yes I did take it personally regardless if I lived In Rocky or Shenton Park ......


Oh btw both hubby and I have a good standard of education before you insinuate that because we live in Rocky we are also uneducated..... We choose to live here because it's real not false and we like it........


For the most part I agree with your sentiment, nobody has the right to judge. However, it is a fact that kids in well off areas generally do better in school than those in less affluent areas.

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D'oh .. seems I have a sticky H key on my keyboard. Or I've spelt "School" wrong and saved it in my autocorrect, and it's now making me look like an idiot.


Ummmm! What have you been doing to make it all sticky!???? [emoji51][emoji51][emoji51]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Okay, so I'm a person that thinks GENERALLY, the better educated, the more intelligent a person. You'll always have outliers.


Sorry to offend you, but I was just trying to point out that the lower performing schools might be harder to work in than the higher performing ones.


Apology accepted from myself. Luckily 99% of Rockingham didn't see your post :biggrin:

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For the most part I agree with your sentiment, nobody has the right to judge. However, it is a fact that kids in well off areas generally do better in school than those in less affluent areas.


Thanks Arwen your wording referring to original post is much kinder and not offensive and does not give room to generalise on the people of a certain area.

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The high schools in Rockingham do tend to have a dreadful reputation and academically scores are generally much lower compared to schools in more affluent areas. However, the teachers are still of a high quality and do their best in challenging situations. Crime is also an issue in many areas of Rockingham, official figures regularly show this.


Teaching in Rockingham can be harder and far more more stressful because there are a larger number of behavioural issues.


However, to say that parents and students are less engaged is too much of a generalisation. There are many students who do very well, and with strong support from their parents.

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Bibbs you have just made a genuine post from teachers wanting to know about teaching in WA into a rant about how you perceive Rockingham.


Wherever you live in Perth, you have to accept that Homeswest have rental properties in most suburbs. That in itself does not mean that all Homeswest tenants are feral as the majority are very honest and responsible citizens. Rockingham, like many other suburbs, has undesirables living within it, but you cannot castigate a whole suburb and area because of the issues of a few.


So please can we all get back to the purpose of this thread.

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Okay, so I'm a person that thinks GENERALLY, the better educated, the more intelligent a person. You'll always have outliers.


Sorry to offend you, but I was just trying to point out that the lower performing schools might be harder to work in than the higher performing ones.


Education and intelligence are pretty far from each other in my experience …… All the "better educated" means is just a bit of writing on a CV . But then youre against another shool / higher education etc etc ….

….And alas this is just another example of a small mindness that is wrong with the world today Xx

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But back on track , we are not teachers …. however our son attends secondary school and we worked with UK secondary school teachers - And wow , the relationship over here with teacher and pupil also teacher and parent are second to none , We are over the moon and the teachers all seem very happy in there roles .


Good look guys …… Everyone remembers a good teacher X

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