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demos perth


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Ventured to Perth yesterday on a rare occasion for me to be greeted with a rather large police presence 6 mounted police, police on push bikes, riot van and various other vehicles. Anti racist demonstrators one side and the WA Pauline Hanson supporters, anti mosque sharia law and halal meat on the other. Fairly peaceful a bit of shouting and chanting from one side when they went quiet the other side started. Mounted police and police between both sides. Both sides I felt had a valid point. The Pauline Hanson side voicing what people are thinking and the anti racist side also voicing what people are thinking. As this is a country that has freedom of speech and people are allowed to follow their beliefs both sides can freely vent what they feel with out fear. I did not even stop to listen just carried on with what I wanted to do. Not that many people stopped to watch to be honest. Perth was very noisy yesterday with the demo and various street performances I was truly glad to get home


But to me it seemed a total waste of tax payers money to police this.............. I might add feeble demonstration

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Sadly Elfie, having been a cop at demos like this in the UK the police have to be present because as normal it will be one idiot to shout the wrong thing or throw a bottle and it all goes horribly wrong. Waste of tax payers money? Yes absolutely but as you said above we have freedom. Freedom to demonstrate, Freedom to disagree and freedom of speech, some people can take all of these and go over the top. The police turn up mob handed, horses, vans, riot kits etc normally as a deterent to trouble to try and put off the idiots. If only a small number of police were there the idiots would still have a go so you have to have numbers.

There has been talk of private security but they don't have proper crowd control capability but also no power of arrest for prevention of trouble only standard citizens arrest, so it falls to the police. If the police said no we cant staff it so you cant do it there would be cries of dictatorship and oppression of civil liberties!

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Agree with your points. I almost feel they should open Subi oval and let them all in, so they can have the ruck that they want.


Can then sell tickets, Roman Colosseum style.


I also laugh at how they claim "free speech" .. but then try and stop the other side from exersising the same right.


We also don't have "Free speech" in Australia. For example, a new law has just been passed.




It is a waste of money, but I don't know of an alternative.

Edited by Bibbs
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Agree with your points. I almost feel they should open Subi oval and let them all in, so they can have the ruck that they want.


Can then sell tickets, Roman Colosseum style.


I also laugh at how they claim "free speech" .. but then try and stop the other side from exersising the same right.


We also don't have "Free speech" in Australia. For example, a new law has just been passed.




It is a waste of money, but I don't know of an alternative.[/quote


There have been similar laws in force in the UK for quite a while. Sadly it doesn't go the other way although it is supposed to, Ive seen Christian people complain about abuse from neighbours on the grounds that there were "bible bashing freaks" and other such abuse. The offenders were just warned and told to wind necks in, if it had been a different religion then it would of been dealt with differently. The police hierarchy did not prick there ears up for the first scenario but were all over the second!

I'm all in favour of dealing with the sort of ignorant idiot that will shout abuse at a Christian going to church the same as he will a muslim going to mosque but they should be dealt with equally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm all in favour of dealing with the sort of ignorant idiot that will shout abuse at a Christian going to church the same as he will a muslim going to mosque but they should be dealt with equally.

I agree, I'd deal with them the same - I'd not do anything. Religion is stupid and should be mocked, at every opportunity.


I've give the 'victim' a spoonful of concrete though.

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I agree, I'd deal with them the same - I'd not do anything. Religion is stupid and should be mocked, at every opportunity.


I've give the 'victim' a spoonful of concrete though.


"Religion is stupid and should be mocked" ? mmmmmmmm

"I've give the 'victim' a spoonful of concrete though" ??? mmmmmmm

Edited by pegg
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