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Help with GCSEs and how valid are they


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Hi All


we need some assistance please as we are planning our permanent move to Perth later this year or early

Next year . Our son will have finished her GCSEs and our daughter will be mid way through hers . Wonder if they have similar or will they both need to redo certain courses to move to A levels etc ?


thanks very much indeed anyone ..


colin & Rebecca

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I believe that the GCSE's don't count for anything, but A levels will give you access to Uni here. We don't have GCSE's or A levels as children don't finish school and go onto 6th form. Educationally, the latter education at school is the 2 year (years 11 and 12) course that gives the WACE certificate and (if the child has chosen ATAR subjects) a points score that is a Uni entry score.


Here's a link to the WACE Requirements for years 11 and 12. http://senior-secondary.scsa.wa.edu.au/the-wace/wace-requirements. You would perhaps have to contact them to see if any GCSE results could be accredited for prior learning


Are you coming on PR? You will be subject to domestic fees for college courses and Uni (no loans available unless your citizens). There are colleges that do year 11 and 12 (they might be able to help you regarding what you would need to do) Tuart College is one that I know of https://www.tuartcollege.wa.edu.au/UniTafe_Pathways.htm


Edit to add, that the school term starts in February, with older children I think it's always advantageous due to the course material to start at the beginning of term.

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If you are planning to stay for university then I wouldn't hold on to complete GCSE. It's important to get here for Feb of Year 11 as like A levels it is a two year course in order to obtain a University entry qualification. However I have recently heard, but haven't checked out, that GCSE's might get you on to a University foundation course, like a pre degree course which you complete for a year and if your grades are good enough you can go on to the degree course. Also GCSE English shows proficiency in English which is a requirement for all universities, but a pass in the school course will be fine.

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