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Is it just us?


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Hi all, we are nearly on our way over, the only problem is my husband and I seem to be on different paths! When one is positive the other isn't and vice versa. We are constant yoyoing what we want and in the lead up its getting worse. Is anyone else like this with their partners/husbands? I feel like I am going mad !!?

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Hi @Robin23 …… i thinks its good to think different ideas/plans etc - As helps to keep you grounded .


For us , we built our own home in a lovely village -from the outside it looked as though we where living the dream ! But the recession had hit hard and our business was going under - mortgage payments - others bills where overwhelming . One of us then became very ill - infact if the stress continued then it could have had very bad life changing consequences .

The only times we seemed to be happy was when we where heading down to Cornwall for holidays !!!!!


So we decided - thats it we need to get out - start again …… And be near the sea !


However, this is where we have and keep disagreeing - One wanted Cornwall the other Perth :o)


So, here we are in Perth , and yes its been lovely but my other half still compares to Cornwall ( at least twice a day ) ……. But we are both happy - and we always listen to each other and weigh up the pros and cons - But we are willing to journey together , we only get one life - so why not try as many experiences as you can :o)


youre only 24hrs from home and nothing has to be forever ……… So, yeah back to your question - i reckon we all have our differences :o)

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