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Time to go!!


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Well we have made the decision to move back home.

Although its a beautiful place its just not home and we don't see our future being here.

Since having our 2nd daughter we feel like the kids are missing out on so much there are family members she has never met, places our eldest went to that i feel our youngest should go to.

We miss life long friends that know you inside out, we have made friends here but its not the same i just want to be back with friends and family and feel like i belong. I just dont belong here as much as we have enjoyed it, its made us realise that what we had wasn't that bad at home and financially we will be better off at home too. We will be going back with fresh eyes and a greater appreciation of the UK as a whole.


Michelle & Keith

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Good luck with the move back guys.... I must say that we have been hit by the missing friends and family thing far more than we thought we would! We've made some friends here but the friends you've known for 20-30 years are irreplaceable. Its early days for us as weve only been here 6 months and its been a big up and down ride of emotions. I don't miss the UK but I miss the people who make it home. (Although I did really miss my workshop the other day and wanted to be home tinkering with cars, going back in October to clear it out for good!)

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I think the friends thing can be hard and it does take time, I used to tell myself that the close friendships I had had developed over time. I have to say now, that we have a much better social life (possibly because the kids are older now) and that friends we have here have become the closest we've ever had and are now like family.

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Thanks everyone, we are all really excited to get home now. It is mainly friends and family but we do actually miss the UK too, it made us realise how much we do love home. We are glad we can say we have experienced living in another country and it has been lovely but its definately not where we want to be long term.

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Yes we will have been here 2 years by the time we leave. We feel we have had a brilliant adventure but it has been just that and now its time to go home.

Thank you, we are looking forwars to getting back so much now. Its funny the things that make you realise that life is better at home. Home is where the heart is as they say.

Edited by Keith
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A good attitude to have Keith. I find it so sad when people realise that Australia isn't for them and they bad mouth it forever afterwards instead of treating their time in the country as a life experience/adventure. After all we are all different, we all have different needs and wants, and the bottom line is that Australia isn't for everyone.

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Yes we will have been here 2 years by the time we leave. We feel we have had a brilliant adventure but it has been just that and now its time to go home.

Thank you, we are looking forwars to getting back so much now. Its funny the things that make you realise that life is better at home. Home is where the heart is as they say.


My hubby and I were talking about this tonight - we see here as home, we refer to the UK as UK or England, my daughter has been on holiday in Europe and has called in to see a couple of old primary school friends (she was 11 when we moved and it's her first visit there in 10 years), she messaged me this morning and said "looking forward to coming home".

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