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Are there any cat curfews in WA?


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Hello all,


Well we are a week away from our migration date - we spend the first few days with friends and then are moving to a short term let in Rockingham. Our Bengal Cats in Australia will be arriving in Oz the week after us and will be joining us in Rockingham. I had heard something about cat curfews in WA, but had been told they had not been introduced. We have heard today that this information may be inaccurate and that there may in fact be a curfew in place. The fact is that we will not be in a rush to let our boy out in the first few weeks anyway - not least to ensure he is settled, but also our let has a fairly major road running behind it and the boy has led rather a sedate life to date in the UK where he has lived his life in a quiet cul de sac. I am rather more minded to the future when we move on - Are there any areas that have curfews and how enforceable are they? t I have looked on the Rockingham council website, which advises re micro chipping and sterilisation, (both of which he has had done,) and registration. The indication is that there is no curfew as such, but they do advise that cats should be indoors between 8pm and 7am. I don't consider him to be a nuisance to neighbours, (I suppose I would say that:-) )but he does like to be able to come and go and loves being out in the summer months - WA of course has a much warmer climate and so we could find he becomes more of an outdoor cat in Oz than presently. If he is out between 8pm and 7am, am I going to encounter problems?


Any advice will be most welcome....


BW Michele

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I thought there were certain rules on cats - just to protect the wildlife .

Sure cat must have your details on collar - and are they allowed out at night ?


All a bit vague - just, im sure someone was telling us about this in Bunbury, As they had a cat and im sure it had to stay in at night .


Sorry cant be much more help really :o(

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I thought there were certain rules on cats - just to protect the wildlife .

Sure cat must have your details on collar - and are they allowed out at night ?


All a bit vague - just, im sure someone was telling us about this in Bunbury, As they had a cat and im sure it had to stay in at night .


Sorry cant be much more help really :o(


Different shires have different rules - Our cat was able to go out at night

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We live in Scarborough and have a cat door for our puppy, and our first cat came and went as he pleased day or night, he never wandered too far. Unfortunately he got hit by a car, and died, but our new cat has the freedom, she has just decided she is a princess, and as such cat doors do not work for her, her owner has to open the door whenever said cat fancies going out or coming in :biggrin:


It depends on what you are comfortable with, lots of cat owners I know never let their cat out at all, only in their garden and keep them in all night, others like me have cat doors so they come and go. There are some regulations in some areas to how many cats you can own and there is also "Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 1999", which Stirling City Council have in place for Trigg Bushland and similar areas. I suppose the worry is if you live near bushland or similar the cats destroy the wildlife there, but from my prospective I would be worried about my cat getting bit by a snake.


Once you are settled, and know exactly what shire you will be living in, etc you will be able to ascertain more facts pertinent to your situation.


Good luck with the move.

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its a pain in the arse when peoples cats come into your garden and spray all over your garden furniture and leave paw prints and scratches on your car. owners should consider the damage cats can do. I dont dislike cats but I do when they damage my property.

Edited by Weedolly
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I see a few cats in the neighbourhood in the day but none out in the evening and we are in the Shire or Rockingham. I have noticed that the neighbours cats have taken a liking to crapping in the built in flower bed around the front window of our house. This was an area that my little boy liked to dig as there are no plants in it but now we have to keep him away. Im all for people having pets but if you want them then you keep them in your garden where they can crap freely for your enjoyment. I find it annoying that we don't have animals for just this reason but have to put up with other peoples pets, theres enough wild things in this country to look out for without having to worry about my children finding excrement in THEIR play area!!

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My moggie is basically an indoor fluffball, but on the odd occasion he ventures from the house, he only stays in my garden, and walks himself back indoors as soon as it starts to get dark. I have been looking at cat enclosures recently though as there is a not very nice person in my neighbourhood who is putting baits out for cats, and there have been a few who have gone missing, never to be seen again. I totally understand that not everyone likes cats, but how someone can put poison down to kill them, to me, says more about the mental capacity of the killer than the cat.

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