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Fitter - General 189 Visa


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My partner and I are considering applying for a 189 Skilled Visa to Australia. I have completed a TradeSet report and I have checked the SOL and I would apply as a Fitter - General. My background is in the Agricultural Industry, working as a Mechanical Engineer, operating machinery etc. I also have qualifications in welding. Has anyone on here completed the skills Assessment for Fitter - General? I would like to know more of what the technical / practical interview actually covers.


Can anyone please tell me which RTO you used? I notice that there are a few and the fees vary.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi Movingtoaus. I have used ACTS in the past. They are very helpful and I have got them to turn around a full skills assessment in a couple of weeks a lot quicker than TRA. Once you pass the Documentary Evidence section you will then have a technical interview. The last guy I did one for was an experienced fitter and found the technical interview a piece of cake!!

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