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Mosquitos breed where there is water... so you can get them anywhere... some riverside suburbs are marginally worse than those near the beach.   Mosquitos will even breed in a pond in a garden.... it is impossible to avoid them totally and it is always adviseable to wear mosquito repellent, especially in the evenings in the summer when outdoors.  There are many products on the market too to deter them, such as sandalwood sticks that you burn like incense - mossie zappers that you plug into the mains and it zaps them within a radius - citronella candles etc.  

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Speaking from experiance, inland mozzies are worse, especially in the low lying regions where there is a lot of ground water from draining & swamps etc, we took the dogs for a walk along the canning river a couple of years ago, we got eaten alive, we havnt had that problem on the swan river, the canning river must be slow moving and a mozzie breeding pond, we live on the coast now, not far from Alkimos so cant see it being much different, compared to Harrisdale, little to no mozzies, when we lived in Harrisdale, we dreaded the first hot day of summer / spring, the flies & mozzies came out in there thousands, if we left the light on in the alfresco at night, the white ceiling would turn black with mostly mosquitos, during the day we could fill one of those $5 fly catcher bottles with flys, here in Burns, no problem

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7 hours ago, Wombat Girl said:

I thought the wind blew them in???

No, they are endemic throughout WA and breed in water - anything from the Peel inlet in Mandurah to a bucket I the garden with water left in it. However, they are easily affected by strong winds and so the most coastal areas tend to be better. 

But, you can get swarms even on the beach as they will fly several km to feed. 

Pone of the major issues in WA with them is Ross River Virus. 

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On 06/07/2017 at 02:33, verystormy said:

No, they are endemic throughout WA and breed in water - anything from the Peel inlet in Mandurah to a bucket I the garden with water left in it. However, they are easily affected by strong winds and so the most coastal areas tend to be better. 

But, you can get swarms even on the beach as they will fly several km to feed. 

Pone of the major issues in WA with them is Ross River Virus. 

Ross River Virus is a nasty illness with no treatment, apart from painkillers.   I had this in 2011/2012 and it took in excess of12 months for the virus to leave my body, and was the reason I had to retire early.  It has left me with some ongoing health issues and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

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