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Primary Schools City Beach, Wembley Downs, Floreat area


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We are moving to Perth in September and would like to get our 7yrold son into school for the last term of year 2. We are leaning toward the City Beach, Wembley Downs, and Floreat area as they are close to the beach and an easy commute for my husband.  Does anyone have any advice or experience with primary schools in this area. I would prefer public over private. Does anyone have kids going to City Beach Primary? Kapinara Primary? Wembley Downs Primary? Floreat Park Primary? Are they all similar? Any advice would be helpful. We plan on renting, and having an idea of where to look would cut down on some of the stress.


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All the schools named in your post @girl5x5 are schools with good reputations.  Once you are settled, I would suggest that you go and visit the schools that you would like your children to attend.   Searching on line can give you an assessment of a school's academic score, but personally I would like to visit schools in person with my children to see how they would fit in with the whole ethos of the school and it's pastoral care.  To  me, this is more important than how a school sits on a chart of academic scores.

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They are all very similar, it will definitely depend on the 'feel' of the school. Kapinara is small and won the highest marks in the State on the NAPLAN tests a few years ago. My daughter in law works at City Beach and is very positive about it. One may have a pool, or a better music programme, or may teach French whilethe other   Japanese.  Really need to go and visit but you will be fine with all of them. 

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