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Bites already!


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Well, spring has well and truly sprung. It's like someone flicked a switch and turned the sun on - wonderful.

So, I went into the garden to do a bit of tidying up in my flip flops. I should have known better! Both feet covered in bites. Have taken anti histamine, savalon and a plaster on the worst one oozing orange goo and an ice pack on right foot.

Lesson learned, will not do that again!

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Oh no Jen...... Buy yourself some RID.... it comes in a cream, a spray or a roll-on... it is in a maroon coloured bottle and comes in two strengths... normal or tropical.   Go  for tropical and just lather it on everywhere before you leave the house.  Over the many years I have been in WA I have found this the best product and use the roll-on as it goes where you need it to.  You can buy so many other things to keep the bugs away, but  RID is the best unless  you want to go industrial strength (and I can't remember what that is, but @Verystormy does and he will let  you know one he sees your post.)

Just keep an eye on the bite with the "orange goo" and pop along to the Docs if you think it isn't getting better..... never take a chance that it is improving.

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Hi Jen

I can sympathise. We went to peel winery on Sunday for the day. Silly me wore sandals, and got bitten all  over my foot, leg and arm. Sunday night my foot went purple, Monday it swelled with the most horrendous pain, andTuesday  I was at the docs where she told me I have cellulitis in my right foot from a bite. I'm on two lots of strong antibiotics and not allowed to move around. Great stuff. Foots a little better today, but back to the docs tomorrow for a check over. Do keep an eye on your oozing bite , it could be infected.

It's just my luck though, I got bitten by mozzies occasionally in the uk, but never had cellulitis before. Been here 7 weeks and this happens ?

I have bought some bushman super strength spray. Makes me smell like a citronella candle, but hopefully it will work! 

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To be guaranteed to keep them off you need a product that contains DEET as that is the only chemical scientifically proven to work. The best is Bushmans and comes in different strengths. The strongest is I think 90% but that strength is a bit greasy.

other tips are to avoid dark colours and in your garden make sure there is no standing water.

if you get bitten in the house - many people get bitten in bed - then you can by a mozzie net and get them impregnated with DEET

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Thanks all, think it was ants. Keeping an eye on the worst one, put some more antiseptic cream on it today. It's pretty swollen. Blistered and still oozing. Hoping it will go down in the next few days. Will deffo prepare for the summer with the recommended products x

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Them beasties are definitely out and about, although they don't get me, I'm very lucky my poor children get eaten alive. Only yesterday my daughter had a huge bit and her ankle swelled and was very painful, much better today. I went to the pharmacy got some anti histamines and some antiseptic cream. She was telling me that products with DEET in are becoming quite resistant and not as effective anymore.

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