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When to apply for jobs.


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I am presenting in person at the APHRA office in November and should hopefully complete my nursing registration. When i return to England i will then start the process of applying for PR. I have my skills assessment approved and have 60 points. 

Would i be able to start looking for a job without a VISA? Does anyone have an idea of PR processing times?? 

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Personally, I think it would be best to have your visa secured as this is your right to work.  It is unlikely in the current climate that an employer would choose a candidate whose visa status is uncertain (no way of knowing when and if your visa will be granted - then there will be the move itself).  At the moment, employers will want someone to start as soon as possible.  Faced with similar candidates - the panel would probably go with availability to fill the position.

It's by no means impossible but unlikely.


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