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Construction industry


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Hi All,

My husband and I are thinking of submitting our EOI shortly to start the ball rolling on getting a visa.. I understand the state sponsored visas may get processed quicker as you have more points (is this correct (?)

Anyway, I am a quantity surveyor with construction and rail experience.  I've been lead to believe infrastructure is still booming in Perth and I should be ok for work ?
My husband however is a pipefitter, he struggled to find work when we came out on working holiday visas a few years back. We know now his job title would be Metal Fabricator, and we're wondering whether there would be any work for him?  Last thing I want to do is push for state sponsorship so we can go sooner, and find he can't get a job in that state!  Our other preferred location is Melbourne, but I know he loved Perth!



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Hi Vicky and welcome to the forum.  Have you looked on the skills list to see if your job is on the list?  You will need a skills assessment before you can apply for the EOI.  For state sponsorship, you have to make sure that your skill is listed on the respective states wanted lists.

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Ok thanks all, it is concerning me slightly that we may struggle in Perth.. My job is on the skills shortage list, his technically is as well however we know it's not that simple and that his qualifications aren't actually recognised..  they seem to assume two trades are one as well!!  

He's willing to go back to college, is there anything they are short of at the moment in Perth that he can study towards when he arrives?  Or would we be better off looking elsewhere?  We are also considering Melbourne but the weather just doesn't seem as attractive!


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Just wondering, I've started looking on seek.com.au - are most Perth jobs 40 hours+ a week?!  
When I worked briefly I was doing office work 8-5, and a lot of trades jobs seem to work 10 hours Mon-Fri and some say you also have to work 6 hours on a Sat?  Is this what we can expect?

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3 hours ago, Vicky87 said:

Just wondering, I've started looking on seek.com.au - are most Perth jobs 40 hours+ a week?!  
When I worked briefly I was doing office work 8-5, and a lot of trades jobs seem to work 10 hours Mon-Fri and some say you also have to work 6 hours on a Sat?  Is this what we can expect?

The norm would be 7  - 3.30pm / 8 - 4.30pm give or take half an hour but obviously some firms may want people to do more hours but not all.

On the mines different kettle of fish regarding hours though.

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  • 3 months later...
4 hours ago, David Kemp said:

Don't let verystormy hear you being so positive

Sorry, but I just try to be realistic rather than positive. For example, only last week, unemployment in WA hit its highest level in 16 years. But, hey, I can sit there telling everyone to move to WA as it is booming and there are 10 jobs for everyone and the streets are paved with gold. 

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9 hours ago, verystormy said:

Sorry, but I just try to be realistic rather than positive. For example, only last week, unemployment in WA hit its highest level in 16 years. But, hey, I can sit there telling everyone to move to WA as it is booming and there are 10 jobs for everyone and the streets are paved with gold. 

The subject is the construction industry, not unemployment in general. If you are not in the construction industry, you should keep quiet.

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14 hours ago, David Kemp said:

The subject is the construction industry, not unemployment in general. If you are not in the construction industry, you should keep quiet.

Just a friendly heads up David as you are a new member to this forum, but that isn't the way to speak to another member   We are a friendly polite bunch who try to be helpful to those who ask questions, and rudeness is not acceptable.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 23/04/2018 at 06:09, Rossmoyne said:

Just a friendly heads up David as you are a new member to this forum, but that isn't the way to speak to another member   We are a friendly polite bunch who try to be helpful to those who ask questions, and rudeness is not acceptable.  

Apologies. I'm not normally so abrupt. However, my point is no less valid. Some folk on this forum could do with a little putting in line. I fully understand the practicality of giving people good honest advice, however negative that may be. After all, people like myself are planning to uproot our families and relocate the to other side of the world, so we definitely need to know the hard truth beforehand. Now that said, it is also equally unhelpful if folk chime in on threads with single sentence negativity that is often not relevant to the thread.

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On 08/05/2018 at 22:00, David Kemp said:

Apologies. I'm not normally so abrupt. However, my point is no less valid. Some folk on this forum could do with a little putting in line. I fully understand the practicality of giving people good honest advice, however negative that may be. After all, people like myself are planning to uproot our families and relocate the to other side of the world, so we definitely need to know the hard truth beforehand. Now that said, it is also equally unhelpful if folk chime in on threads with single sentence negativity that is often not relevant to the thread.

Apology accepted on behalf of our form members, but what you feel is negativity, could in fact be realism from people actually living here or who have recently lived here in WA.  

To be brutally honest, the economy in Perth has been on a downslide for many years, and it is only now just starting to bottom out.   Work is hard to get and we have the greatest number of unemployed for 0over 16 years, and it doesn't matter what industry you talk about, it is happening all over the state from retail, construction, hospitality to mining and engineering and everywhere else.   Prices have soared and salaries have not.   Life is tough in WA at the moment, and if you are not prepared to accept the comments and views of us who actually live here and know what we are talking about, then perhaps Perth is not the place for you if you think that all roads are paved in gold.... because let me tell you, they are not!

People on this forum do not need "pulling in" as you comment, because they say it as it is, and if  you don't like what you are hearing/reading, well perhaps that is your problem and not theirs.

On this forum we all try hard to help and advise to the best of our ability, and I am sorry that if what you are hearing is not what you want to hear, but you joined this forum for help and advice, and that is what we are giving you from people who are actually here and experiencing it.

I am sorry if I have ruffled even more of  your feathers, but as a Moderator on this forum for many years, and having emigrated from UK 27 years ago, I am most certainly qualified to make the comments I do. 

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On 10/05/2018 at 13:12, Rossmoyne said:

On this forum we all try hard to help and advise to the best of our ability, and I am sorry that if what you are hearing is not what you want to hear, but you joined this forum for help and advice, and that is what we are giving you from people who are actually here and experiencing it.

This is the standard forum administrator/forum age old member's response to anyone who dares challenge them. You need to take five minutes and re-read them whole thread again with an open mind (if possible). Read what i've actually said, and not what you think i may have said based on your preconceived ideas of anyone who dares challenge one of your old buddies. For the record i have many close friends that actually work within the construction industry in Perth. And just as a reminder, the thread is about the construction industry, and not unemployment in general. So my point about Verystormy is STILL valid. Despite yours and his attempts to silence me.

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On 22/04/2018 at 01:59, David Kemp said:

Don't let verystormy hear you being so positive

Construction has picked up over the last year but Perth is still very very far from booming. Both posters were right.

Perth is in the doldrums compared to just 4 or 5 years ago. Maybe things are improving, but it is very slow progress at best.

It would be remiss of anyone on here to paint a false picture of reality just to suit the grass is always greener outlook of a prospective migrant to WA.

Even back when Perth was boomtown central, local people with local work experience always got first dibs at the best jobs. But as there were so many jobs around, migrants could walk into positions with relative ease.

Of course, if you are the best person for the job today, you will get it. But, if you are equal best along with a local person, you won't.

Truth is though, there are a lot of very experienced local people in WA doing filler in jobs (handyman, shop work, Uber driving etc.) whilst they wait for things to pick up again.

It is very stressful (making the big move). But please view this forum for what it is. Free advice which you can choose to take or not.

Don't shout at those with experience who offer you free advice just because they say something you'd rather not hear.









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On 22/04/2018 at 15:31, David Kemp said:

The subject is the construction industry, not unemployment in general. If you are not in the construction industry, you should keep quiet.

Headwinds facing WA constrction.

1. WA has spent ahead on resource infrastructure and has more than enough capacity to satisfy resources demand for many years ahead.

2. Perth has an apartment, Hotel and office space glut which currently sits at record levels.

3. The State Government has massively overspent on bling projects in the last decade (Stadium, Elizabeth Quay, Forest Highway etc.).

4. The State Government currently has a near record budget deficit.

5. Perth has a near record number of available properties for sale and rent and the lowest population growth rate in recorded history.


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Not often I have to moderate a thread on PP - finding it a bit of a novelty.  There's a lot of good info on this thread and differing opinions, I ask that those differences are respected without making personal remarks.  I'm sure the OP will take what they need from the thread and ignore the things they don't.

Any issues with moderators - please do PM us or admin. 


To all members - this is a forum and there will be differences of opinion - unfortunately the link to the guidelines appears to not be working (I've asked the owners to look at it). However, I do know the forum etiquette is the same as our sister site Poms in Oz - I ask you all to be mindful of it

 Forum Etiquette

  • Thank you goes a long way - If someone has taken the time to discuss, and share their experiences with you then please be appreciative of that and thank them accordingly. This applies especially to the migration agents who give their time on the site for free.
  • We don't walk in their shoes - If someone is offering to share their experiences please do not belittle them, or make personal comments, or judgements, about their situation. It is not helpful to anyone, and only detracts from the discussion at hand.
  • Communicating on message boards is different from face-to-face communication. Only the words are seen, not your facial expressions or tone of voice. Please pay careful attention to how you use your words. Remember that the words you enter in a burst of passion or indignant anger will be there for you and everyone else to see, sometimes long after those intense feelings have passed. That's not meant to discourage spontaneity, but just a friendly reminder of the long-term existence and effects of what you post. You may, from time to time, find yourself in disagreement with someone else's opinion. At times like these, please keep in mind it's safer and more polite to take issue with the comments rather than the person

 Back on topic .. which I believe is about the construction industry.


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