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Pipe Welder Opportunities


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Hi everyone, we are in the early stages of our visa process, and hoping to move to WA.

I’m looking for suggestions of the best areas for job opportunities for my husband, he his a welder (first class) and works in the oil and gas industry on high pressure pipe work. Which areas would give us the most opportunities? Have been keeping an eye on seek but mostly fabrication jobs that come up,

Any help or information on nice suburbs would be great! We have 3 children 7,9 and 15 so somewhere with good schools too.


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Hi Emma

my husbands a pipe fitter and we're wondering where we will end up too. i know there's a shipping place in kwinana they may hire welders? There's some fly in fly out work but guessing that might not be the best idea with children! 

seek is a good place to keep looking, most jobs seem to be advertised on there.. we're planning on staying fairly central initially as i think my job will be in the city.. maybe aim to go as soon as the schools break up so you have 6 weeks (i think) to get an idea before the new term? if you go south of Perth I've heard secret harbour (i think that's the name!) is meant to be nice x

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Hi Vicky,

Good to hear from someone in the same industry! We wouldn’t actually mind a FIFO it’s not ideal but we’re used to my husband working away from home as long as the rotation was ok.

We know a couple of people in Perth, sure ones a pipe fitter actually and they’ve said south of the river there are a few heavy industries that way and I’m sure Kwinana was mentioned, before speaking to them we were set on northern suburbs, but now been looking in the Rockingham area. Secret Harbour, Baldivis etc. 

What’s your occupation if you don’t mind me asking and what stage of the whole process are you at? Which visa are you applying for etc, Do you have children? (Sorry for all the questions!)

I’m sure the terms are only 2 weeks holidays in between not like our 7 weeks in the summer! We were hoping to be there after Christmas to start the new School term but things aren’t going as quickly as we first thought ? haven’t even got our EOI in yet.




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thanks Ali, i thought they had Jan off just wasn't sure..

my little girl is only 1 so don't need to worry just yet, but my husband is thinking of going to college as he found his trade isn't recognised when we were there a few years ago, so also aiming to get there for the new school year. I think it will be next year unfortunately, i hoped this year but we're only just putting our EOI in! It takes such a long time getting everything together!! 

i also hoped we would be north of the river too but think it could be south. We'll have to do some exploring when we first get there to get an idea of where we like. 

I'm a quantity surveyor, we're hoping I'll be able to secure a good job to keep us going for the first year. I've told my husband if it doesn't work in Perth we're going somewhere else in Oz but I'm not coming home lol

how do your children feel about making the move? Will you be trying to get everything sorted while your husband works? I'm not sure who has the easier job!! X

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So would he be classed as a boilermaker maybe? So I assume you're the main applicant then?

We’re feeling the same we definitely don’t want to come back to Scotland! So hopefully we’ll both find a job. Hoping that my husband manages to get a job in a fab shop somewhere maybe for the first year until we explore the different suburbs then we’ll be looking to buy something after that. Then my husband is hoping to study for the welding inspector ticket (not really looked into that yet regards to Australia) it’s something he’s wanted to do in the uk for a while, then potentially get a FIFO position.

I’ll be the one sorting everything as usual lol I have my own business here which takes over ours lives (one of the reasons we’re leaving for OZ!) so I’ll be happy to wait until we’re settled to look for a job hopefully something part time, my backgrounds in Biotechnology/Life science so if I can get a team leader or even lab technician job then that’d be ideal, not really sure if there’s much that way in Perth but if not then I’m no too fussed I’d be happy to pick up any job I can really. I’ve been warned I’m not starting up my own business again lol ??.

My husband has his technical interview on Wednesday with VETASSESS and then the IELTS on Saturday, so hopefully get the results we need for both then get our EOI soon.

The kids are all really excited about the potential move, the eldest has had a couple of moments but he’s fully on board now which is great because he’s at that age it could be really difficult, so we really want to get there ASAP before he changes his mind! He’s got his 4th yearn exams coming up next month so even choosing subjects etc for next year was hard as wasn’t sure what the situation was going to be but like you said gathering all the information you need for the skills assessment etc took a lot longer than we first anticipated so by the looks of things he’ll probablg get to finish his 5th year exams next year!

Is it a 189/190 your going for? How long have you had your EOI in? Are you using an agent? 

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3 hours ago, Vicky87 said:

thanks Ali, i thought they had Jan off just wasn't sure..

my little girl is only 1 so don't need to worry just yet, but my husband is thinking of going to college as he found his trade isn't recognised when we were there a few years ago, so also aiming to get there for the new school year. I think it will be next year unfortunately, i hoped this year but we're only just putting our EOI in! It takes such a long time getting everything together!! 

i also hoped we would be north of the river too but think it could be south. We'll have to do some exploring when we first get there to get an idea of where we like. 

I'm a quantity surveyor, we're hoping I'll be able to secure a good job to keep us going for the first year. I've told my husband if it doesn't work in Perth we're going somewhere else in Oz but I'm not coming home lol

how do your children feel about making the move? Will you be trying to get everything sorted while your husband works? I'm not sure who has the easier job!! X

We've been here 11 years and luckily both had jobs to come to before we left the UK.  We moved at the beginning of Jan so that the kids could start the full school year.  We live SOR - it's an ideal location for us - we're within walking distance of a train station and in the city within 15 mins.

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29 minutes ago, ali said:

We've been here 11 years and luckily both had jobs to come to before we left the UK.  We moved at the beginning of Jan so that the kids could start the full school year.  We live SOR - it's an ideal location for us - we're within walking distance of a train station and in the city within 15 mins.

Hi Ali,

thats our plan to come over so the kids start the new school year, but suppose just need to wait and see how the visa progresses! 

What suburb are you in? That sounds ideal walking to train station etc. What are the transport links like into the city?

My eldest would potentially be looking for an apprenticeship or college are there many colleges with good transport links too?

Thanks for your reply! x

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12 hours ago, Emma_M said:

Hi Ali,

thats our plan to come over so the kids start the new school year, but suppose just need to wait and see how the visa progresses! 

What suburb are you in? That sounds ideal walking to train station etc. What are the transport links like into the city?

My eldest would potentially be looking for an apprenticeship or college are there many colleges with good transport links too?

Thanks for your reply! x

I'm in Leeming - which won't be everyone's cup of tea as it's an older suburb.  We are getting more new builds as people buy houses and build on the land.  Our nearest station is Murdoch.  We're about 20 mins from Fremantle and beaches .. we joke that we're pretty much 20 mins from most places we want to go (only about 25 mins to the airport).  Transport links in this area to the city are good - my daughter would catch the train/bus to Uni.

We have a local shopping forum with a small grocery store (that's open until 10pm), hairdressers, chinese restaurant and takaways. The bigger supermarkets - coles/Woolies are a 10-15 min drive depending which one you go to.

College wise depends what course you do.  My youngest has decided not to go to Uni and is at TAFE at Murdoch (so he cycles there).  

If you go on transperth website you can put in a journey and it will tell you how to get there e.g. bus/train/walk and the approx. time it takes

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i haven't heard of leeming I'll have to keep that in mind :) thanks Ali, its handy hearing about different areas

yeah I'm the main applicant, i usually sort everything out so i think ill struggle leaving it to my husband! I think he's classed as a metal fabricator, he's going to speak to the college when we arrive and see what course is best for him

good luck for both! I did the PTE as work on computers i thought it would be easier. revising the marking structure helped loads!

sounds like you live a hectic life in Scotland! Hopefully it'll be a better work/life balance for you in Oz. 

we're applying for 189 as i can only get 190 in NSW and we've set out hearts on Perth, not sure if that's wise as heard it's quite quiet at the moment.. EOI should be submitted by end of the week, just waiting for a couple documents from work.. yeah we used an agent, we're trying for baby no2 as no1 took longer than planned, so wanted advice etc if it does happen.. 

are you applying for both? I think the 190 is a shorter wait to be invited x

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they do seem to be mentioned a lot! When we were there we stayed in Clarkson which was lovely but too far away, and South Perth on the main road! Hoping yo spent a good couple weeks exploring before settling into a job, but i know I'm a worrier and will probably take the first job I'm offered just so we have money coming in! X

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