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Renewal of UK driving licence??


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We have been in Perth now for just under 2 years now & planning to stay......

I have noticed recently that my UK driving licence will expire in July - I understand that you need to be resident in the UK to be able to renew it....

So, do people when they emigrate just let it lapse, because you can drive in the UK on their Aussie licence? Or do you renew using a relative's address?

I don't want to let it lapse if there is a way around it, and then have loads of hassle later on re-sitting my test if we decide to move back!!

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I just let mine lapse. No need for it now. Like you say, your Aussie one entitles you to drive when visiting the UK.

Another way of looking at it is that the UK government had enough money out of me over the years, I ain't giving them any more to renew a driving licence I won't need.

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On 06/06/2018 at 14:44, Tiggerprawns said:

We have been in Perth now for just under 2 years now & planning to stay......

I have noticed recently that my UK driving licence will expire in July - I understand that you need to be resident in the UK to be able to renew it....


I've done a bit of ping pong pomming in my time and a few years back, I moved back to the UK for a spell due to family reasons (I'm currently back in WA).

To make life easier for myself, I renewed my UK licence. It was actually very easy as I still had my nine year old card.

All I needed was proof of my current address such as a council tax or utility bill and a current form of ID such as a passport.

Took about five minutes in the post office.

If you were coming back for a year or less (simply for a holiday or something), use your Aussie licence. I've done that many times and had no problem with hiring cars or anything else for that matter.

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