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Has anyone gone to WA on a 188 Visa

Zari Bowesman

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Hi Pip's

My partner & I have re recently obtained our Visa'a and wondered if anyone can share their experiences with us.  We need to invest in a business and as you can imagine this is a bit of a minefield being in the UK.

Has anyone else gone down this route?  

Would appreciate any advice. 



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I would be taking professional advice rather than on a forum. 

Based purely on stats as we left in 2016 due to lack of work, unemployment has increased, house building is at record lows and investment seriously struggling. But, stats don't tell every story and take professional advice.  Do not though assume it is a land of milk and honey!

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3 hours ago, verystormy said:

I would be taking professional advice rather than on a forum. 

Based purely on stats as we left in 2016 due to lack of work, unemployment has increased, house building is at record lows and investment seriously struggling. But, stats don't tell every story and take professional advice.  Do not though assume it is a land of milk and honey!

I've been pretty lucky in that the firm I work for secured a decent long term contract with an overseas client just before things started to "go south".

Life is still pretty good in Perth, but it isn't what it was a few years ago. The great majority of people I know have suffered to some degree from the downturn. 


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