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Two months in... Nearly!


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Thought I'd give an update seeing as we've been here nearly two months.


We arrived on 4th December which was a day before we would have lost our travel facility on the visa, this was cutting it fine to say the least and not ideal but down to our own circumstances. Anyway we were very pleased that there was nothing to ground our flight like snow...



We arrived and are staying in holiday accomodation which is lovely and much needed relaxation (in between doing admin) after our stressful and emotional departure.



 We are looking for a long term rental but due to the timing its a bit tricky,  there are lots available from $290-$500 per week in the areas we want to be for work and the girl's school, we ideally want a pool too seeing as the weather will get hotter in jan and feb probably and its school holidays so it will keep the girls occupied! There are less properties with pools but fingers crossed something will come up after the news years break. We have had to fill in an application form to apply for one of the rentals and there were other applications, now the owners will select which person they want to go for. We had to put down previous rental information and the 100 point ID which was fine between us. 



As soon as we arrived, we tried to get things sorted to help with ID, i applied for a westpac bank acc online and this was so easy to open,.i just went into the branch with our visa and passport.  We also got medicare sorted quickly as this can be a form of ID, i had to get my tax number and WWCC (working with children card) ready to start work in January. Both of these were time consuming but fairly simple to do. We have arranged a PO box address for admin stuff seeing as we're only in holiday accomodation and this just means we get notified if we receive anything, then we can choose to have it scanned, stored,  collected or sent on. 



We also brought with us photocopies of our visa, passports and birth certificates. We dont have a lrinter at the moment so I've had to go to the local library and use their printer/photocopier which has been ok. 



The girls have managed to have a few days in their school which was great, this involved me enroling them, so had to take their red books, visa ID etc and pay for uniform which is really sweet! The children were friendly and both have made friends, I managed to swap numbers with a couple of the mums so we can hopefully get together over the summer holidays. 



Christmas felt very weird being hot and sunny, we kept forgetting and left it late to get pressies. It seems less in your face and lower key here, we went on the beach Christmas morning and it wasnt too busy,  had a drink and the kids swam and then we went back home and i did turkey, massive Australian brussel sprouts and xmas pud (from a local Aldi!) It was a bit hot for a roast but I think important for the kids.



So the main things weve noticed are: 


everyone is very friendly and welcoming, we are living in the northern suburbs so I can only comment on that, but people seem to be at a slower pace, they have more time to chat and the customer service had been great too!



Up here everyone seems to have a 4x4 and especially a Mitsubishi Prado - usually with roof racks, bull bars, light bars and various useful stiff stuff for camping! (If youve seen some of my ither posts we were considering bringing our BMW M5....it wouldn't have been great with all the sand/dust/salt so i think we were best to leave it and get a 4x4) you hardly ever see BMWs up here, its mainly 4x4s



The parks are amazing, so clean and there are loads. Usually they have some gas BBQs that are free to use and its so lovely that people regulaly congregate there with their families to eat. 



The beaches are so quiet and clean, the wind on the coast is very welcome and usually people do stuff in the morning  before the wind gets stronger in the afternoon.  



Sone groceries are more expensive, depending on where you go, limes, yoghurt, garlic, milk are a few we have noticed but we've only been to Coles, Woolworths, Aldi (a lot less choice in the one went went to than in the UK), IGA



Our shipping container arrived in Fremantle bang on time,  which is amazing seeing as it was over Christmas. Doree Bonner were great and so we'd really recommend them, we're hoping to get our things within 2 weeks as they now have to go through quarentine.  Our youngest daughter is really missing having her things and despite having xmas gifts, it will be lovely when she has all her own stuff!



All in all its been a real experience and we can see why we've moved,  the pace of life seems slower and the work life balance seems more in tune to what we want. Its not all been plain sailing, our youngest daughter is very homesick and she is having fun in the pool and likes the beach etc but she is a creature of habit and likes having her own belongings around her, I am hoping she will feel better now our things have arrived [emoji120]



We had sent a 'really useful' box via a courier which was expected on 20th....it still hasnt arrived.  This wasnt expensive stuff, but some xmas cards, good luck cards, some paperwork and odd and ends that we wanted for xmas but couldnt fit in our 30 kg limit. We're now having to wait whilst they investigate where on earth our package has ended up. So, we were lucky in a way that we didnt rely on that totally but im annoyed i packed some things in there that were sentimental and if they're lost it will be really upsetting.  



So, we feel like we've done a lot in a month but still to do....Australian driving license (another great form of ID) must get it within 3 months, health insurance! Oh and my hubby needs to find a job.....at least I have one starting new week! 


Be careful with the speed limits, I've come a cropper on double demerits weekend too.. [emoji849]


We have found a nice long term rental and our things arrived without fuss, the shoppers were absolutely faultless from start to finish. We used Doree Bonner in the UK and they transferred to Grace Removals in Perth. 


Its been a long process but were so glad we made the move and are excited about our new life here in sunny WA.... Well a bit rainy today but that was a bit novel! 


It seems so amazing that we're finally here and living the life we've wanted to, yes things take effort and time and money but so far it's been well worth it and we're all hoping it will get even better on the next few months as we settle. Into daily life in Perth.








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Lovely post and I'm glad that you're settling in.  When we moved, the shipment arriving was a great help for the children having familiar things around them.  Your youngest will probably feel better when she has the routine of school and has made some friends … we'd been here a year when my son whose the youngest (now 19), asked at dinner if we were still on holiday.  My daughter (now 24) has often said she has been happy to have her teenage years here in Aus rather than the UK

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Great post! Some of the info you mentioned I was not aware of so it was useful also. My wife and I will be making the move by June at the latest. Our visa was granted a couple of years ago but I got a job offer for Singapore so we've been living here for 2.5 years. Am very much looking forward to the move though. Keep us updated on your experiences 😀

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Thank you so much for your post. It is very encouraging!

We have just put our house on the market and we will move soon after completion.

Similar we had our visa granted few years ago but have been waiting for better market.

Keep fingers crossed for smooth preparation,move and start.

Enjoy your day !!!🤗

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Lovely to read your post I've sent you a pm.  Hopefully we'll meet up this wee6. We've been her 3 weeks now and although I've lived in W.A  before for 11 years had forgot how sleepy it can be. My kids are having a bit of a culture shock. Hope it all goes smoothly see you soon Tab




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35 minutes ago, Tab said:

Lovely to read your post I've sent you a pm.  Hopefully we'll meet up this wee6. We've been her 3 weeks now and although I've lived in W.A  before for 11 years had forgot how sleepy it can be. My kids are having a bit of a culture shock. Hope it all goes smoothly see you soon Tab




I think that's one of the things I like most about Perth.  Having just been on holiday to NSW, we were surprised that all the restaurants had closed by 9.30pm on a weekday in Darling Harbour and in Katoomba and the Hunter Valley, kitchens closed at 8.30pm

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Thanks everyone, yes it is a bit sleepy, we found that the restaurants close early and everyone's in bed earlier too having only been in winter, we thought it was that time of year but it seems its just that people are up and about earlier so just a change of pattern!

It's lovely very early in the morning, we went fishing on the beach at Floreat at 5 am yesterday and it was so gorgeous, the sea was really warm, then as the sun rose it was beautiful! [emoji106] I was nervous too, but everyone's so friendly and empathetic, lots of people who have made the move years ago still here to offer advice and sympathy! Things move slower but that's kind of what we had wanted, a slower pace and weather where you can plan to do something and actually do it! One word of warning, they are very strict about speeding, I have come a cropper already, now using cruise control everywhere!!

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Thanks for the speeding tip, we didn't drive much in perth when we were there.. I do remember they are strict with jay walking so we kept to that as didn't want to chance it! 

I've also taken on board the 4x4 comment, my husband would love a 4x4 anyway so I've given him permission 😂

We are generally up early (22 month old wakes 5.30-6) so it will be nice to be part of the norm rather than only person awake! X

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting your update.   It is always nice to hear how people find the settling in process as it is such a different life to that in UK.   Great info in your post too....   I hope your girls are enjoying school too as that always makes the whole process smoother.    My children were 5 and 8 when we moved here, but because my parents lived here and we had been previously for long holidays, it wasn't so much of a culture shock for them, and they actually took to the life in Perth very quickly.  They are 32 and 35 now and often thank me for bringing them here.... comments usually made after a visit back to the UK to see friends and family!

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Great post, loved reading about your adventure so far. We arrived early October so not much before you. We've also settled in nicely, like you said lots to do but gradually getting sorted. Little lad started kindy this week and I have met some lovely parents. Got our WA driving licences sorted, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Looking forward to a Sunday down at Hillary's beach tomorrow..😎

 If you fancy meeting up sometime pm me xx

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