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Hello Very Stormy and Rossy

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Hi Guys

Hope you are all well and keeping safe throughout COVID 19.

I have not dropped off the perch, just been caught up and havent been on this site for a while!

Have had to deal with lots of clients with visa problems recently, ie job losses, family bereavements but all is well now and Perth is getting back to normal - just been out for lunch, first one in months, hooray!!!

Keep safe everyone

Camilla x

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  On 05/06/2020 at 13:16, jproberts said:

Hi Camilla,

We’re new to the forum and relatively new to the idea of uprooting and heading over the Perth. You certainly seem like the perfect lady who could help us! How can we get in touch? Do you offer initial consultations?




Hi Jack, Yes I can organise a Skype consult with you at some stage! I charge $165 for initial immigration advice. You are welcome to email me camilla@newlifedownunder.com.au to organise a time.

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  On 05/06/2020 at 07:15, New Life Down Under said:

Hi Guys

Hope you are all well and keeping safe throughout COVID 19.

I have not dropped off the perch, just been caught up and havent been on this site for a while!

Have had to deal with lots of clients with visa problems recently, ie job losses, family bereavements but all is well now and Perth is getting back to normal - just been out for lunch, first one in months, hooray!!!

Keep safe everyone

Camilla x


Hi Camilla 

Good to hear you are safe and well. 

Can’t say I have been busy as such, as I was furloughed back in March. Though trying to keep busy with other stuff like helping my wife with the garden. She is growing masses of vegetables this year. Also, we “think” we had the virus at one point. We didn’t have the typical cough and fever, so didn’t get tested, but now they have increased the symptoms known, it seems we might have. I started with a bad taste in my mouth - like blood, that overpowered everything. Then, woke up one morning with an incredible headache and sore throat. Never felt anything like it before and I literally couldn’t get up. That lasted a week. Then, severe stomach upset. Probably should have connected the dots more, as 4 days earlier, I had to go to hospital for something else and that hospital is a major COVID treatment centre. But, on the mend now. 

Here in Scotland, we are very much still in lockdown. The only real easing is we can now drive up to 5 miles for our daily exercise. Though it is amazing how business has adapted. For example, my local pub which was famous for its Sunday lunches, now delivers them and even delivers hand pulled pints of beer. I think it will be a long time though before they open. 

Keep safe and keep well. 


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Hi Camilla.

Good to hear all is well with you.    This whole virus issue situation has been very challenging for everyone in many ways, but I think on the whole, Australia is coming out of it in a better position than a lot of other countries.   It will  be interesting to see where it all ends though.   In many ways it has been nice to just slow down and enjoy a quiet life for a while.  Like Stormy, I have been gardening as well and really enjoyed getting my hands dirty.   I have gone back to various crafts that I haven't had time for over the past years, and have read a bookcase dry!   Gained a few "corona kilos" along the way too as my passion for cooking took off on new heights!

Family wise, all is OK, apart from my daughter in law being stood down from work (employed by Virgin), but she is about to apply for her Citizenship in the coming weeks, so that has boosted her spirits greatly.

Keep safe Camilla




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