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Calling all bikers

Guest Martin

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Good day all,


As a keen biker and one who will be bringing my bike out later in the year when we make the move, I was wondering what gear you ride with; Kevlar jeans? Open face helmet? Etc.


The reason I ask is that I'm off to the London motorbike show next weekend and want to buy some new gear for riding out in WA so any advise is much appreciated.


Many thanks



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Guest guest1337
Good day all,


As a keen biker and one who will be bringing my bike out later in the year when we make the move, I was wondering what gear you ride with; Kevlar jeans? Open face helmet? Etc.


The reason I ask is that I'm off to the London motorbike show next weekend and want to buy some new gear for riding out in WA so any advise is much appreciated.


Many thanks






Hi Martin,


Kevlar's are pretty much the go here, & a good armoured /leather jacket & boots (have sidi's myself) you will need a helmet with the Australian safety standard/ kite mark on it too. Suppose it will also depend what sort of machine you have to? It's usually too hot for leathers although a friend of mine wears his all the time, we just tend to get out early before its too hot! Personally can stand open face helmets, and when you see the size of some of the bugs hear, you might be glad of a full face one!


Hope this helps




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Hi Andy


Thanks for the reply.


Yeah never thought about the bugs so might be good idea for a full face. Think I will leave buying a helmet until I'm over as I don't think they sell them over here with an Aus kite mark.


It's a Buell so it's more of a cruising style I ride, which is just as well as i've heard too much about your cameras!



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Guest guest1337
Hi Andy


Thanks for the reply.


Yeah never thought about the bugs so might be good idea for a full face. Think I will leave buying a helmet until I'm over as I don't think they sell them over here with an Aus kite mark.


It's a Buell so it's more of a cruising style I ride, which is just as well as i've heard too much about your cameras!






The camera's are not bad, no-where near the amount that the uk has, & as far as i know still only have fixed camera's a a few sets of traffic lights! Saying that the mobile 1's can & do hide in the bushes and snap you. Recently the wa police have aquired rear facers too, i got caught by one last november! got 2 points and $150 fine, was doing 87kph in a 70 just after some lights, i never even saw the camera or the flash!:mad: A mate of mine talked his way out of a fine and bike impoundment just last week, he was flying along the freeway at 170kph!:eek:


Also they have double demirtis here on public holidays, that means if your caught speeding,drink or drug driving, hooning etc you recieve double the normal points!


Also camera locations are broadcast on most radio station so you'll have a good idea where they are, also try joining Perth Street Bike forum, an excellent site, full of helpful advise and lots of heated discussion!

The problem is te speed limits are so slow! the freeways are from 80 - 100 kph! 100= 60mph!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Martin

Hi Gary,


Not done it yet but got quoted 1440 GBP by Anglo Pacific to put it as groupage, and that included AQIS fees I think.


You also have to fill out an Application for a Personally Imported Vehicle form, you can get if from the website


And meet these criteria;




Got the above from Imports.Vehicle@infrastructure.gov.au


I also asked about bringing it in on a 457 Visa and she replied this:


If you have owned and used your vehicle for at least 12 continuous months, you will apply under the Personal Imports Scheme.

A 457 Visa is not usually a barrier for an approval being granted.


Hope this helps




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Guest Martin

I think it is worth bringing them over as I just had a look at a bike magazine and my bike a 2009 Buell cost me £7000 new and here in the mag the same bike, make model and year is for sale at $16400. That’s about £10500!!! I'd only get about £4500 for mine in the UK well worth the hassle and forms.

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Guest guest1337
I've a couple of AGV's and a Shoei, will they conform to Australian safety standards? Also I will be over in Perth in October to activate my visa,so if you wanted a helmet bringing over I would be happy to oblige.






NO they won't is the short answer! They SHOULD have an Aussie Safety standard mark/sticker on the back, but saying that I bet half the helmets worn here are from overseas, so won't worry about it. Got mine from America because it was $300 cheaper than in Perth!!!:shocked:

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Guest Martin

I also heard that if you have an accident insurance companies might not pay out if you don't have a Australian Safety mark on you lid. Not sure how true this is through

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  • 1 month later...
I also heard that if you have an accident insurance companies might not pay out if you don't have a Australian Safety mark on you lid. Not sure how true this is through


I've heard that but unless you claim for the lid don't think they bother , check for compliance marks I know shoei have them , heard you can get the stickers on eBay. On the bike you have to pay import duty oz value this is separate to aquis

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest1337

I know this thread is old but surely an Aria would be compatable with Aussie saftey standards they cost us a fortune. I shall surely look for saftey stickers on ebay. What about alpine stars boots and leathers?


Mary & John



The cost and brand of the helmet makes no difference, if it doesn't display the Australian standard as/nzs 1698 sticker its not legal on Australian roads, It's that simple! Boots, gloves and leathers are NOT subject to any safety standard requirements that I'm aware of!


Of course we all know your helmets are perfectly safe to use anywhere in the world, but here in Oz they're not road legal without the safety sticker/standard on them! You might get away using them on track days?

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The cost and brand of the helmet makes no difference, if it doesn't display the Australian standard as/nzs 1698 sticker its not legal on Australian roads, It's that simple! Boots, gloves and leathers are NOT subject to any safety standard requirements that I'm aware of!


Of course we all know your helmets are perfectly safe to use anywhere in the world, but here in Oz they're not road legal without the safety sticker/standard on them! You might get away using them on track days?


If it doesn't display an Australian standard sticker then it's probably manufactured in another part of the world?.......Sounds like a good way of promoting Australian only manufactured products to me.

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Guest guest1337
If it doesn't display an Australian standard sticker then it's probably manufactured in another part of the world?.......Sounds like a good way of promoting Australian only manufactured products to me.



It's just away to get more money out of you as usual in Australia!, nothing at all to do with Australian manufacturing! Of course the helmets are made in other countries, shipped here, a sample is tested and the stickers added! HJC for example are American! and the number 1 selling helmet in the world.



By the way Australian made helmets are a load Rubbish!

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If it doesn't display an Australian standard sticker then it's probably manufactured in another part of the world?.......Sounds like a good way of promoting Australian only manufactured products to me.


Like a lot of things here mate, Aussie made all the way - keeps the wolf from the door:wink:

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Guest Claire and Brian

How much is it to get a bike licence over in oz. it's something I'd like to do and it costs £800 all in where I am. Only reason I haven't done it yet is because of the lovely British weather.



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Guest guest1337
How much is it to get a bike licence over in oz. it's something I'd like to do and it costs £800 all in where I am. Only reason I haven't done it yet is because of the lovely British weather.






It's gonna depend on how long/how many lessons you need. They cost approx $85 for hour and a half lesson, you need to pass a computer test to get a learners permit, think thats about $30 then the test is about $60, you can only ride a 250cc or smaller for the first 12 months, then must re-take the test on a + 250cc size machine! Then of course you will need all the grear, boots,jacket, gloves, helmet, kevlar jeans/leathers so anywhere from about $500 upwards. Oh yeah and a bike!


Hope this helps?

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