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Going back to school in the uk


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Hi this is my first post on perth poms and my first of many questions. We are a family of 5, kids age 10, 8 and 5. My partner has been offered a position in Perth on a 457 visa and we are thinking of coming over for a couple of years but my main concern is that the kids might have to go back a year in school if they return to the uk. They are in primary 6, 3 and pre school nursery in Scotland. Does anyone know if this would be the case or would they have loads of catching up to do.

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In all honesty the state education here isnt up to the same standard as the UK


Teabag think you need to do research. Look into the year 12 results here in Perth and see where the state schools are on the tables. Yes there are tables for the crucial years that really count. Also look at where some of the top pupils come from as well and it is not from all the private schools.


My advice will be choose your suburb and if you choose a reasonable one then the school will be ok. As for going private absolutely as the costs here are far less than in Scotland but will it be worth it that is the question? As I say look at the tables for the years that matter.


Agree that kids stay kids longer but that is society in general that is causing that to happen not being here. Here it takes even longer for them to grow up here because they get everything done for them, they have a better standard of living, they earn good money via part time work, houses are bigger so there is more room for them and so on. By enlarge we are all too over protective to the extent we are wiping their bums for them well into their teens. If you get your kids out of the house by the time they are 25 you will have done well. Get them out by 30 these days and you are more on the money :biggrin:


So if you think about it getting a better education here is not the be and end all because they do not necessarily use it. Every kid is different and has differnet needs.


We start pigeon holing them based on what we believe is correct and we start with get them to a better school because they will get better marks. This is a mining and construction town so why try and get them top marks in what we think is right. Get them a saw and a spanner and let them make millions. Think about it.....

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Hi this is my first post on perth poms and my first of many questions. We are a family of 5, kids age 10, 8 and 5. My partner has been offered a position in Perth on a 457 visa and we are thinking of coming over for a couple of years but my main concern is that the kids might have to go back a year in school if they return to the uk. They are in primary 6, 3 and pre school nursery in Scotland. Does anyone know if this would be the case or would they have loads of catching up to do.


Hi Dedshar,


Having made the move to Perth then back home to the U.k the honest answer is YES, they will have a years worth of catching up to do. We came back when my son was in year 3 in Oz but year 4 in U.k. My honest opnion is that the Oz education system is not as good as the U.k ( My Ozzie cousin in law is a teacher in Perth and says the same thing). Did my son suffer? Not really we came home explained it to his teacher who then put him in a small learning group in the main class, within four months he was up to scratch ( U.k standard).


I really woudn't worry about it kids are far more resilient that we give them credit for. We are thinking of moving back to Oz, but we will ensure our son has private lessons as well as going to school. I would love to be able to afford a private school but we cant.

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