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Why is SOR so much cheaper?

Guest Dayna

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Guest Dayna



As you may know from my previous posts, Myself and my family lived in Perth for a year 2007-2008. We lived in a northern suburb called tapping.


We are currently debating moving back to Oz looking at all the different options etc. I cant help noticing that property SOR is far cheaper. Is there any reason for this?

Whilst in Perth we visited Mandurah and it was seems very nice, quiet but nice. Some of the suburbs are no further from perth CBD than the northern suburbs so whats the big difference?



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To my way of reckoning, and this is only MY opinion, the closer you are to the city, the more expensive the land, and with the way values work, to build on a block you have paid maybe $250,000, you have to build something worth double the price of the land. That`s how a builder explained why he could`nt build the Glenway display home I saw in Leeming, costing over $350,000, on my block that we had paid 22,000 for 28 years ago.

The cost of blocks in some southern suburbs, are less, as there are less infrastructure built near here. That was of course before the Kwinana Freeway went right through to Bunbury, turning into Forrest Highway, just past Rockingham. That is also before the railway went down to Mandurah.

Some newer areas down here, for example Secret Harbour, the price of the blocks were closer to $74,000 when it was first established.

Another reason, is, (my opinion) there are more Liberal Party members, north of the river, who help keep the cost up, with their developments, being kept under wraps until they decide whichever year is going to be the one they go back into power. Then the bring it out of mothballs, and use the cash the

development makes them to fund their campaigns.:jiggy:

More yuppies, young un married people, independent, educated, single, well paid jobs, wanting to not move very far from their jobs and shops and entertainment, to flutter through life, with their Mazda`s, Commodore`s (easily stolen I must say) living not far from beach`s pubs etc. Staying closer to Mum and dad, and school friends. Where if you ever drive up Marmion Street right out as far as Joondalup, you will find every few blocks, a service station(petrol)and shopping centre, next corner, Dr`s, next corner a pub or tavern, next corner a school. and so on... Too many Pubs, per head of population. So many people packed into a quarter mile.


Down here, when you venture down the freeway, when you exist at Kwinana,

as you come down to sea level, you can feel the cooler air, the slower life style, where heaps of people from the Bush, come to retire, as its close enough to head to the city for shopping on the train, or go to any entertainment, opera, river trips etc.

But remember this is just my opinion. cheers

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