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Construction Manager looking to relocate


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Hi all


Apologies if this has been posted before, but I could use some help.


I'm a 33 year old Construction Manager and I really want to move to WA on a 457 visa. I'm also looking to study while there, to gain a new degree.


Can anyone who has been in a similar situation recommend construction companies or agencies who are good dealing with 457's?


I have good experience, started in civils but progressed into general project management. Have been involved in projects of all sizes from £6m to £130m. Have also run my own projects - from initial design right through to handover.


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.



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Guest loubeany



My partner has been offered a Senior Project Engineer's position with Thiess Ptd Ltd based out of Perth and we are in the process of going through as a sponsered 457 Visa for both of us. We picked up the lead for the job on Careerstructure.com website.

Fusion People based in Sydney are dealing with their recruitment in the UK.


Hope that helps.

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