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Landlord Vs Tenant - who should pay bill?

Guest Bec

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Hi not sure anyone can help me but I can't seem to find any advice anywhere else.

We have been renting a property for about 6 months. About 3 months ago we noticed the front lawn was wet, soaking wet. Probably not unusual if you live in the Uk but here??? ... well we soon realised a water pipe was leaking and called out the plumber via our real estate agent. The plumber dug up part of the lawn and found a leaking pipe, which he fixed. I didn't see or hear anything else about it, until I got a call from the owner of this property a few days ago. he was being v sweet and buttering me up with "if there's anything we can ever do for you" .. blah blah and then told me he had been given a bill for $700 from the water company and wanted me to pay $400 towards it and he would pay $300.

Our real estate are stupid and despite me harassing them haven't got back to us with any advice about our rights so I was wondering if anyone had any advice? are we liable for the bill? or is he trying to pull a fast one??:arghh:

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Guest scottishkiwi

hi, I don't know but if you were living in NZ it would be the landlord's responsibility, not unless there was proof that you broke the water pipe. That's terrible! surely there must be a tenancy office that could tell you your rights. Anyway, I'm sure someone else will have a conclusive answer for you. Good luck with it.

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My father once sold a house, and rented it back off the guy who bought it for three months (quite common in Australia).


A week after the sale went through, the hot water system blew up.


My father called the new owner who had to pay for a replacement.


I'm not lawyer, but I'd say this is 100% the owners responsibility.


The only time a tenant would be asked to contribute would be if the work was in the tenants interest. Like a new air conditioner or such like.

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