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Guest johnboywalton13

Hi selina,

The kids are looking forward to it now but were not happy at first,to be honest i think they are more excited than me at the moment ha ha.I have been told its such a great way of life that i cannot really turn this opportunity down,as i have a sponsor and a job to go to.Ive just got to wait to get the all clear then i can put in my visa application.Its just my wife i worry about as when i move over to australia it will be shift work for me so will be working away from home for weeks at a time,but im sure she will make friends quickly.The only worry i have this side is selling my house as ive got a projected start date of 1st of december this year!!But my house is at the cheaper end of the market so should go,ive not put it on the market as of yet but have advertised on the internet(trying to save estate agent sellers fees as i have a little negative in it ) but looks like i may have to put on the open market next week once i return from work.Anyways ..good luck with your move also and hope everything pans out ok for you. x

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No job to come to as we have a Business Owners Visa so we will need to get our skates on and look for a business to buy or set one up. It's all so confusing finding a mice area for the kids. I have read things about Rockingham being very violent and then I read it's the best place on earth to live. I wonder if it's just a case of picking 3 areas and then getting out there and looking around? CONFUSED!!!!!


I've heard mixed things about Rockingham too, but I've never lived there so obviously can't give an personal opinion. I had a colleague who lived in Port Kennedy and she said that she didn't like going into Rockingham in the evening/night - even to do late night shopping, this was a couple of years ago. During the day she said it was no problem.


As I say - this is only 2nd hand information and not something i've personally witnessed.

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Guest LaneyOOO

Hiya Mad Cow, great to see you on Perth Poms was only thinking the other day that had'nt been many posts from yourself or YP for a while, hope you are both doing well

I am Irishgirl1 from PIO



Elaine x

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Hiya Mad Cow, great to see you on Perth Poms was only thinking the other day that had'nt been many posts from yourself or YP for a while, hope you are both doing well

I am Irishgirl1 from PIO



Elaine x


Hi! We are both well! Thought i would give this site a try! Good to hear from you! :biggrin:

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Guest Emm
Hi Ali,

I'm completely new to Perth Poms and will be moving out to Perth at the end of June/beginning of July with my husband and 2 children (8 & 12), from Malta. We have had 2 wonderful years here (originally from the UK) and now are looking forward to an exciting start in Australia. Can you or anyone reading this tell me if - You have to pay for government schools? I was told this was probable but cannot find any information about it? What would be a good base area to get the lie of the land? (Avoiding Perth if possible.) Any areas to avoid living in ?(You know, areas with grumpy old people, high unemployment, noisey nightclub etc.) Thanks, Selina

We are in Port Kennedy Just outside Rockingham. Moved here in June 09. Have 2 boys both at Pimary school ( yr 2 and pre primary). They are in state school. $40 per child in first term for school donations $50 if you pay in terms 2,3,4

Booklist cost me around $120( thats for both not each!)

paid around $16 in first term for a maths thing, This term $16 for dance, $60 next for swimming and then I'm sure theres a couple of other things aswell.

Although we seem to pay for more things than in UK schools.

private schools are alot cheaper around here but you still have to get the above mention items.

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Guest keith73

Good Morning/Evening,


Hi everyone I am Keith better half Kelly two boys Glen(8) and Lewis (5), we are coming over from Dundee Scotland at some point this year.


Kelly is a nurse and has got a job with Armadale health, nursing registration has eventually came through getting all our things signed for the visa this week so getting a wee bit exceited now.


I am also on poms in oz as keith056.

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Guest tina.s

Hi Everyone,

like many others on here, i have been a member of pio, for a long time, but as we are getting very close to arriving in Perth ( aaaahhh, 22nd June ). thought i would introduce myself to all you friendly lot.. I am Tina 44, and my OH scott 40, We are staying in a rental in Duncraig for 3 weeks when we first arrive, but would be happy to meet up with any new arrivals, or even old hats with lots of advice. Cant believe its actually happening, cant wait... but also a little nervous, its abig step. But hey, bring on the challenge i say !!!.


Tina and Scott

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Hi everyone Im not really new to Perthpoms been on and off for a while now. You may know me as Que Sera Sera on PIO. Ive given it a rest on there for a while, because I find that its getting a bit argumentative and I am allowing myself to get drawn in, which I dont want to do. I am Catherine my Hubby is Matt, he is a Toolmaker by trade which is how we got here. I have a two daughters from a previous marriage and they are 20 and 17 and they live with their Father over in Brisbane at the moment. We have a son Travis aged 9 and we have been here 10 months. We live in Secret Harbour and we love life here :wubclub:

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Married live Nor , do tellies work in oz ?


Hi Everyone,

like many others on here, i have been a member of pio, for a long time, but as we are getting very close to arriving in Perth ( aaaahhh, 22nd June ). thought i would introduce myself to all you friendly lot.. I am Tina 44, and my OH scott 40, We are staying in a rental in Duncraig for 3 weeks when we first arrive, but would be happy to meet up with any new arrivals, or even old hats with lots of advice. Cant believe its actually happening, cant wait... but also a little nervous, its abig step. But hey, bring on the challenge i say !!!.


Tina and Scott


Exciting times eh? Good luck with the move!

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Guest justyh

Hi all,


I'm Justine (39) and married to Adam (28). We arrived in Perth on 04/04/2011 - Adam has a 457 visa - with our 4 beautiful kids, Niamh (8), Seth (7), Aaron (3) & Lola (2).


We're living in a temporary rental in Mindarie at the minute - the kids started at Mindarie Primary last Thursday (Niamh - Year 3, Seth - Year 2 & Aaron Kindy) - and are busy trying to find a more permanent rental in the area. The ship carrying our container is due to land at Fremantle this Saturday, 14/05/2011 - so starting to panic a little!


We have a couple of friends here already, but it'd be great to meet more friends.

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Guest Selina

Hiya, we decided today to put our house on the market back in the UK (nail-biting time). We have people renting it but the contract runs out the end of this month and we are due to leave Malta 20th June so all has worked out well in that respect, just need to find a buyer (me and another million people in the UK I guess). My son keeps making excuses everyday why he doesn't need to go to school (must admit, some of them are pretty cleaver!). I spoke to a lady living in Wannerup (sorry if that's spelt wrong but all the names of places out there are a little strange to say the least). She was orignially from up north and she said it is the best thing she has done, no regrets and no looking back. It was good to speak to someone actually out there. I'm sure your wife will make friends really quickly if you are anything to go by (if that makes sense?!). She can always call on me for a cuppa when you get out there, that will be 'no worries' for me. All the best with the sale of the house, Selina x

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