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The old days


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Guest LaneyOOO

LOL my sister and I were just talking with my Mum the other day, having a laugh about only ever having Sindy's and not Barbie's lol.

Agree wagon wheels seem smaller.

I remember all going shopping as a family for our New Clothes for Christmas and Boxing day and then having dinner somewhere, doing the same for Easter and the Long weekend in May.

I know it sounds silly but we thought they were great days as kids.

Getting our first VHS player LOL it was HUGE hehe.

First movies we saw on it were ET and Grease lol.

My first record was Blondie hehe.

alright I could go on but I will bore you all


Elaine x

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Guest LaneyOOO

Thinking Bros was the best thing in the world and begging my Mum and Dad to let me stay in Ireland till the 23rd December 1988 as Bros were playing in Dublin, but no they would'nt let me so of we left for Oz on the 25th November 1988 heartbroken I was and still am baahaaa


Elaine x

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Guest LaneyOOO

yeah wearing Doc Martins with bottle tops and different coloured laces.

Perms everyone having one lol.

Leg warmers

Knee high socks for school (aarrgghhhh)

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Fame on tv ,skintight jeans .. pastel coloured long boots(slouch style) and leg warmers, and wham and nick kershaw.. oooh and spangles , lol


and eighty's eye make up you would have a heart attack if your daughter wore now ! , i love Ashes to Ashes the tv drama its 80's heaven .

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Guest LaneyOOO

Wham were the best though:-))

Top of the Pops, my fav:-((

Ready Brek YUMMO lol

Grange Hill



LOL the eye make-up I remember my pink (I know) eye shadow and blue eyeliner/mascara, and the perm baahaaa xx

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Guest Liz B

Morning all,


I remember pushing my tiny tears in a pram, the one that wees and pretending with my friend that we were smoking those candy cigarettes. Most adults I knew smoked back then. Also remember my best mates parents giving us a small glass of blue nun when we had a Sunday roast beef after sleeping at her house. My mum used to cook leg of lamb mostly and I loved roast beef and yorkshire pudding, YUM!


Also buying chock a block of pick and mix sweets, shrimps and bananas especially.


Enjoying a peaceful day today, how very mean of me!



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Guest Guest4182

Caramac Eggs at Easter (caramel coloured chocolate). Mothering Sunday going to church on a sunday and coming home with a flower for mum. Street parties at the Jubilee. Playing out till 10.00pm on the 'front'...!!! Playing L.O.N.D.O.N. SPELLS LONDON!!!! Coming home at lunchtime from school and watching Pipkins and Rainbow and then at tea time watching Rentaghost!!! Noel Edmunds on Swap Shop and Keith Chegwin on Cheggers Plays Pop......Mike Read on Runaround!!!! Having warm milk from a carton at primary school!!! Being a Milk Monitor and a dinner time server (if you were a server at lunchtime you always could baggsy the biggest bit of cornflake cake or manchester tart)!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY DAYS......:wubclub::wacko:

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forot the youth club ... do they still have them, ours was great and open 3 nights a week ... junior and senior youth club .. my mum was one of the leaders so I always got dragged into helping.


I don't think they do, not where I'm from anyway.....it used to be on a tuesday and thursday night, 7pm til 9.30pm.


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Guest guest1228

perms, bros, big hair, caramac, 5p highland toffee, baggy jeans and lumberjack shirts, desert boots, doc martins with the grolsh lids, perrier if you were trying to be 'cool' youth club, watching prisoner cell block with me mum, my first ever gig to watch EMF in Sheffield with my bezzie, thought we were it on the coach there.....

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