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Has any one found since they have been over here that they have found a new hobbie or is there anything you will think you would like to do once you are here ?

I have to say since we arrived our feet have not touched the ground but it something i am thinking of looking into .. though not sure what :unsure: being a total book worm doen't help though as if i ever have a spare few mins that seems to be my first choice .

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Well I've taken wine tasting to a whole new level and every weekend vow that I really must cut back lol


I love reading ... books are expensive here, so I go to the second hand book shop and swop them, also order stuff from book depository as it's free delivery to Aus and you can set the price to Aus $ so you're not trying to work out how much costs lol. Usually get stuff within the week too, so pretty good service if goods are in stock.

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Hmmm wine tasting sounds pretty good ! off to margeret river in a couple of weeks shall have to try there as well .. also chocholate tasting ..


scuba diving, yep im afraid of being the lunch !


I love my new Kindle straight download easy as but i have used The bbok dep very good ..

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Guest guest1228

Has everyone been to the swan valley choc factory? Massive bowls of free choc to taste! Couldnt believe it when I went! Obviously I'm one of those people that goes back several times trying to look inconspicuous. Yum.

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Has everyone been to the swan valley choc factory? Massive bowls of free choc to taste! Couldnt believe it when I went! Obviously I'm one of those people that goes back several times trying to look inconspicuous. Yum.



Now thats what i call a Hobbie !:notworthy:

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Has everyone been to the swan valley choc factory? Massive bowls of free choc to taste! Couldnt believe it when I went! Obviously I'm one of those people that goes back several times trying to look inconspicuous. Yum.


Yeah, went to the Mash brewery for lunch then the chocolate factory for dessert ... if you go to the window to watch them make the chocs ... they pass through the freebies

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