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Has the 'Life Change' been worth it?????

Guest Guest4182

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Guest Guest4182

I guess this is the question that every migrant whats to hear the answer to....We can talk about missing all things 'british', food, shops, music etc...but does that mean we dont like living here.....my answer is absolutely not!!!


Do I get homesick? Yes

Do I miss friends and family? Yes

Is it hard to adapt to life here at first? Yes

Do I think the life change has been worth it? Yes

Do I think my family and my quality of life is better? Most definately yes

Do I believe I have done the right thing for a better life? Yes

Do I know which side my bread is buttered? Ohhhh yes

Will I ever walk round without shoes on???? Only joking but the answer is NOOOOOOOOO


Wonder what everyone else's view is....and hope these views help to make the decision that little bit easier!

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That's so good to hear, we arrive beginning of December, been talking about it for years and 3 years to get the visa. Now we have it I have gone from the initial excitement to sheer panic about what we are doing. I think the lifestyle option is much better but feeling guilty about taking the kids away from grandparents and cousins and worry about financial side, haven't got jobs yet.....

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I guess it's what you make of it - or what you hope for. My brother told me of a couple who arrived in QLD, bought a really big house and had about $80,000 worth of cars on the drive - then couldn't afford to do little else.


For us the things that have changed are not materialistic, but family orientated, we've spent more time together as a family and that has meant spending time with the kids, particularly my daughter in those all important teenage years. I'd say we've become closer, even just sitting out after dinner on a summer evening is time we wouldn't have spent together in the UK. For us, that's been our reward for moving here.

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Ali...you are absolutely right...material things will not make you happy! We have not got a lot of money...we do not have a fancy car....but we have lots of family time, camping holidays etc etc. Trips to the beach in abundance and walks with the dog.


Love it here! xx

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Guest NeilEB
and walks with the dog.



Now if only someone could convince Hush to get a dog.....


Thanks for this really nice thread - obviously I can't contribute as we haven't got our visas yet, but it's nice to hear that people's experiences are similar to what we are hoping to find.

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Guest Bob Tonnor
Ali...you are absolutely right...material things will not make you happy! We have not got a lot of money...we do not have a fancy car....but we have lots of family time, camping holidays etc etc. Trips to the beach in abundance and walks with the dog.


Love it here! xx


Spot on..Exactly

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