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stabling for horses

Guest amanda

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Guest amanda

is there anyone on this forum interested in horses? we are going to buy my eldest daughter and myself a horse each when we get to perth. we have had horses for as long as i can remember and since we decied to move to Oz we have sold all our horses here in the uk. we are moving to the byford area but hope to actually buy some where with acreage in the serpentine. any help or info would be greatly receicved thanks amanda :D

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Hi Amanda


We are 'horsey' too (well - perhaps not hubby :shock: )

We have family near Mandurah with horses, not 100% sure where the horses are stabled at the moment, but I'm pretty sure its not local. They have started a new equestrian business in wa - see http://www.cambridgeequestrian.com.au/

Will know more when we arrive!

Feel free to PM me when we hit Oz later in September.

Paula x

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Guest amanda

hi paula thanks for replying to my post.we are just waiting for our house sale to complete then we(daughters and me,partner already there)book flights then its off we go!, sophie is so looking forward to getting a new horse and competing again. whereabouts in perth are you moving to? when are you actually hoping to fly out? hopefully we will be able to rent some where with acreage until we find some where that we fancy to buy. feel free to email me whenever you wish. i have two daughters sophie 14 and jenny 12 , jenny rides but is more intrested in engines and all thing mechanical. keep in touch..good luck,amanda

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
  jamesw said:
My OH is into horses as well She has one here in the UK, but has already started to look for stables for when we get there. Any extra help would be great, and of course, meet ups for a ride would be nice?


There are several stables and horse agistment properties down Neaves Road out the back of Wanneroo on acreage properties.............. and round the Mariginiup, Wangara, Gnangara areas.

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