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Guest Shelly23

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Guest Shelly23

Hi I'm new to this site. Have used other sites but this seems most appropriate as hoping to be in Perth next year. I'm a nurse, hubby a paramedic, with a 9 yr old daughter. Have lived in Perth in 2008, but had to come back to U.K this time will be for good. Awaiting skills assess. Can't wait to get back to OZ.:smile:

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Guest MinkyCat

Hi Shelly, i'm new member too, I read your message and felt inspired to join. Myself and family have been through the whole process in the last 18months & were granted our visa in March, sold our house yesterday, should complete in 4 weeks and then intend to fly 24th August. yikes! So will be looking for lots of new friends, will feel like being at school on first day again - Billy no mates. Such mixed emotions but excited too!:cool:

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Guest Shelly23

Thanks Minkycat,

Good to hear from you. Great news about your house, hope all goes well for you. Hope ours goes quickly, as it was only reason we returned from Oz. Good luck :-)

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Guest nat85

I am also new to this site. I am a bit unsure what to do but i am sure Ill get the hang of it. My partner is also waiting to do his skills asses which is next month. Hope everything goes well for you.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest goose 68

Hi. Shelly.

I am a paramedic in UK. I have applied for position in Perth and been short listed for a phone interview. Did your hubby have one of these. Any tips on what they are asking. be good to hear from you Regards goose 68

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