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Nutty confession

Guest Jeri

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Well, we are hoping to be in Perth before Xmas (all depending on our house sale).. and I have already started to pack my bags :jiggy:


Got a huge suitcase for the kids, buying everything new in the sizes for next year (working down my very nicely typed up list) and every day or so I keep opening up the suitcase to have a look at all the new stuff I'm getting... (abit like a hoarder).


Hubby thinks I'm bonkers. :unsure:


Off to a car boot today to see if I can get anything else on my 'list'.


Australia....I WILL BE THERE SOON.. XX

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Guest bakercrew

Dont worry you are not bonkers, I am doing the same, my daughter has already packed up two boxes already, I have had massive clear out of old toys and bits I dont want, more we can do now less stress later. We are also hoping to get there before xmas, again we are waiting for house to be sold. Good luck with your house selling quickly. Where abouts are you heading.

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Hey Bakercrew

Glad to hear I'm not the only 'nutter' lol. I keep saying the same thing to my husband... all the stuff I'm doing now is something less to worry about when it all happens, because as soon as we get the offer, we will be clearing out the place and moving in with my parents for a month and on the day the contracts are signed, we will be booking the tickets to leave a.s.a.p... WHICH means everything could happen very quickly, and my husband is not going to think about whether our children have the right sized underwear or the correct sized shoes...


plus.. I love doing it.. it makes everything seem more real everytime I pack something more away.


We are based in Surrey, Uk and we are not entirely sure which part of Perth we are going to.. but so far, Joondalup, Quinns Rocks, Fremantle and Secret Harbour are looking good. We are going to stay with my cousins for the first week, go into a holiday rental for 2months and have a good peek around. My son is turning 5 so not far from starting school and my daughter is turning 3 soon, so not far behind him and the schools will play a big part, but all very dependant on my hubby whether he will be in the mines, off-shore or land based (and where).


In the meantime, I'm gona keep going on my secret stash, its helping me with the being 'patient' part. lol


Where about are you going?? Do you know yet?


Good luck right back at ya on the selling... its such a dire market at the moment.. so heres hoping we can get a lucky break ;o))) xx

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Guest bakercrew

Yes we are heading for the same areas, my daughter is 8 and my son is 3. Will be searching for jobs for OH as soon as we get visa. I dont think our OH know what is involved in moving over. lol

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Yeah! Others that are stocking up :) my oh keeps telling me to stop buying lol! Were flying end of nov but moving into my mums for 8 weeks so our container can go early, still lots more shopping to do! Especially summer clothes for the kids.


Be sure yo take everything out of packets and labels off Mr Customs is very nosy

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