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New to Perth Poms - hoping to move to Perth soon

Geordie Lass

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Hi All


I am new to this site and was very interested to read all the threads on the site. I am hoping to move to Perth in January 2012 with my 6-year old daughter, on a student visa. I have been offered a place at UWA and hoping to be granted my student visa when I apply in October...


I recently visited Mandurah and loved it and am hoping to settle in Halls Head. There are lots to think about when migrating overseas. I would appreciate advice on furniture shipping, renting accomodation in WA, banking, schools, and anything else that I need to know and have not mentioned...


Many thanks in advance...



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Guest nat85

Hey Geordie Lass, iv just recently joined perth poms too and have found everybody is really helpful. Just want to say good luck with the move!! x

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Aaw, thanks nat85. It's a great website for advice on moving to Oz. I am hoping to move in January 2012, but going for 4 weeks in Oct/Nov to organise accomodation, school, bank accounts etc, before the big move in January. When are you thinking about moving to Perth? I am just so excited, but my family aren't - apparently they are going to tie me up along with my daughter to stop us!!! Ha, not a chance!

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I was just wondering if you could tell me the costs etc for studying in Aus? We are coming across on a 457 temporary visa and i was considering continuing my studies over there as I just finished a year at college in uk and would like to carry on. I really dont know where to start researching this so if you could give me some pointers that would be great!!





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I think it depends what course and what Uni you want to go to. Here in WA the uni's are: University of Western Australia (UWA), Edith Cowen (ECU), Murdoch, John Curtin and Notre Dame - it may be worth looking at their websites and and the courses they offer. Being on a temporary visa you may find the fees higher than if you were PR or a citizen

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Hi Geordie Lass, and welcome to PerthPoms!


Just one thing to keep in mind - if you live in Mandurah and go to UWA you will have a LOOOONG commute to uni. Driving, probably an hour plus each way - public transport, closer to two hours one way, by the time you include getting to and from train and/or bus stations.

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Hi Bev


I will be studying at UWA and as I will be classed as an international student the fees are around $23500 per year. It depends on what you are studying of course, but on a temp visa you will probably be classed as an international student also. Good luck with whatever you decide. I know it only takes three weeks for a student visa to be granted, but you have to have an offer of place from a uni. Good Luck!

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Hi Jen_PFR


Thanks for your thread. That was one of the things I was concerned about - the long commute. I was only just looking at Rockingham last night for a place to live. Perth seems very expensive to rent, close to the uni. So, further afield would have to do! I visited Halls Head with my daughter in April and she loved it. She also wants to go to a school their where she has already met some of the students. I keep telling myself "it would only be for two years" and my daughter's happiness comes before anything. Let's hope it will be worth it, which I am sure it will be.


Thanks again for your thread. Much appreciated. It's the little things that seem forgotton about.



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Guest nat85

Hiya!! me, my partner Chris and my 2 girlies are hoping to be over in Perth this time next year. My partner has his skills assesment on monday and then can start the visa application. Theres so much to sort out. If you dont mind me asking, what are you studing when you go over there because I was hoping to do something when I get to Perth. Are you going to Uni over there?? Aww bet your family will miss you and your daughter when you go over, my mum and sister dont want me and the kids to go but I need to go as its something Iv always wanted to do and if I dont Ill regret not going when im older. Im sure your daughter will love it when you move. Im excited too but the visa take ages lol!!

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Hey Geordie lassWe are a family of Geordies moving out hopefully in around 8 weeks time. I've been offered a fab job and we have started looking at schools for my 5.5 year old boy. We are catholic so have narrowed it down a fair bit. Good luck with the move and maybe see you in the new year ;)

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Hi Nat85. It's so exciting knowing that there are loads of brits going to Perth. I won't feel so lonely once I am out there!! Hopefully, meeting up with other poms will make life less isolated. I am a qualified social worker, but my skills assessment was returned stating I needed to do further study in Australia in order for me to practice out there, so on the back of that I applied to UWA and have been offered a place to study the Masters of Social Work course. I am so excited!! The course starts in February, but I cannot apply for my Student Visa until October (4 months prior to course starting). Apparently, the student visa only takes 3 weeks to be processed.


I am visiting Mandurah in Oct/Nov for 4 weeks to sort everything out. My daughter already knows what school she would like to attend as we visited in April and was invited to an Easter disco at South Halls Head primary school. It seems such a lovely community and the school is really good. So, that is what she would like. My family do not want us to go as they are worried for us, being a single mum with a 6 year old daughter going to the other side of the world, I understand that they are worried, but like you, you have to grasp the opportunity when it comes your way, otherwise you will only regret it later in life. I learnt that 7 years ago when my husband died, and since this time I have lived life to the full, grasping every opportunity as it has come my way.


Good luck in getting your visa. I hope your partner gets his positive skills assessment and that you are all in Perth before you know it! Maybe we can meet up when we are both over there. Good luck! Let me know how you get on with your visa application.

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Hi flossiepom, that is great news! You must be so excited to be moving over to Perth in 8 weeks time! Wish I was there in 8 weeks, but have to wait a little longer! Where abouts in Geordieland are you? Where are you hoping to be based once you move to Oz? Hope you find the right school for your little boy. My 6 year old daughter is currently attending a catholic school, and was hoping to send her to a private school once in Mandurah, however, my daughter is wanting to go to South Halls Head primary after our visit in April where she was invited to the school's Easter disco and fell in love with the school and made some friends too! So, on the back of that, looks like we will be living in Halls Head (which is a great place, I love it) and I will have to commute to Perth city each day for Uni!!! Well, the children's happiness must come before your own, I guess!!!


What job have you been offered. Sounds like you are really looking forward to starting. Keep in touch and let me know how the move goes.

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Hi Give me a break! Nice to hear from you. Yeah, will be travelling most days, I know it's quite a trek!!! But I keep telling myself "it's only for 2 years", until my course is finished! I have looked at Rockingham and Waikiki and closer suburbs to where UWA is, but those suburbs are much more expensive than Mandurah and Halls Head. It's such a dilemma, but when I go out there in Oct/Nov for 4 weeks I will check out the suburbs in more detail. My daughter is determined to attend South Halls Head primary, I just hope they have a place for her!!! Thanks again for your thread.

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Well, I think I have made a decision on where to settle when I finally arrive in Australia!!!!! Looks like Baldivis is the place to be! They seem to have a great school (Tranby) and a great place for kids, apparently! And, it is only 35 minutes away from UWA, where I will be studying. My daughter seems to have come round to my way of thinking!!


Anyone got any advice or thoughts on Baldivis??

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Guest nat85

Hi Geordie Lass!! Yeah I will defo keep you updated with whats going on with our visa process, keep me updated with yours. Its pretty cool your little girl has seen a school she likes and Im sure she will settle fine and make lots of new friends. Yeah it would be nice to maybe meet up when we eventually get over there lol. We can keep in touch on perth poms, so glad I found this site and to see that theres so many other people doing the exact same thing as us. Hope everything goes well for you both!!

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