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A job at last!!!


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Hey all


Just thought that I would share some good news. Was made redundant in the UK in May and had been looking into a move to Oz. With the redundancy decided to pack up and come over to try to find sponsorship.


Well this morning I had my pre employment medical, and the visa application for my 457 should be going in early next week - and I've been told this could be complete in as little as 2 to 3 weeks.


To say I am over the moon is an understatement - fingers crossed now that it's smooth sailing all the way from here!!!!

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Guest Want to be in Oz

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be so excited now, best of luck and I hope it works out for you. We're also trying to get a job with a 457 visa and have been applying since May. Would you mind me asking what job you do? Also, do you have any tips for gaining sponsorship as it's proving difficult. Thanks.

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Guest The Newlands
Hey all


Just thought that I would share some good news. Was made redundant in the UK in May and had been looking into a move to Oz. With the redundancy decided to pack up and come over to try to find sponsorship.


Well this morning I had my pre employment medical, and the visa application for my 457 should be going in early next week - and I've been told this could be complete in as little as 2 to 3 weeks.


To say I am over the moon is an understatement - fingers crossed now that it's smooth sailing all the way from here!!!!



great news, what is your area of work. Did you seek employment through the net or in person?


The Newland Family

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Guest The Newlands
Hey all


Just thought that I would share some good news. Was made redundant in the UK in May and had been looking into a move to Oz. With the redundancy decided to pack up and come over to try to find sponsorship.


Well this morning I had my pre employment medical, and the visa application for my 457 should be going in early next week - and I've been told this could be complete in as little as 2 to 3 weeks.


To say I am over the moon is an understatement - fingers crossed now that it's smooth sailing all the way from here!!!!

great news, what is your area of work. Did you seek employment through the net or in person?


The Newland Family

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Cheers Phil, and I most certainly be there!!


I am in construction management, was a site manager back home but have taken a role as a site engineer here, as Australian experience is a huge thing. When I was looking in the uk, there was nothing really coming back. Since I moved out here I've had more response, however most companies have said had I been here on a working holiday visa they would have given me a trial with a view to sponsorship. However at 33, I'm too old for that.


The biggest thing is not giving up. In total I have been looking since march, and sent my cv to every agency I could find, made a list of all the construction companies I could find and emailed them direct, and applied for EVERY job on the seek website which I was qualified for. The response hasn't been amazing, but it has been better since I moved over here, as it shows a commitment to being here - though I know it's not possible for everyone to just pack up and move (I came here with the intention of staying either 6 months, until I found a job or until the money ran out - whichever came first).


Good references are also essential at the interview stages. I was lucky enough to be able to provide 3 amazing references (one client and 2 previous line managers), which the employer did follow up ob - not just accepting the letter but had lengthly phone calls with each of them today!! Also had to pass a medical before they would OFFER me the job.


It's not been easy, and at times I thought it would never work out. But I'm still here, good job with amazing long term (residency sponsorship) prospects, great salary, huge promotion potential - plus all the amazing things has to offer on the side. So don't give up, the news you are hoping for will come when you least expect it!!!!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Chinkerbell

Well done to you! You done good......:) I have friends coming over in October as he has had not a lot of luck applying from the UK although has been offered a job in Perth around the end of the year. They are going to try and set up meets/interviews when he is here on the hope of a 457.....

Enjoy the job and the new life!

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Man - I really need to win about £20k on the lottery so I can come over for 6 months to find work :-(


Haha Neil I you want to live here and job hunt you will need more than £20,000!! I've only been here about 9 weeks, and already I'm out by about £12,000. That's flights, accommodation, car hire (bloody expensive!!) and spending money (even more expensive - not cheap to live here lol). Tho that's for 2 of us, but sooooo glad to know I have a salary cheque coming soon!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sophiesindall

Hope you don't mind me joining this tread as my husband an I have decided to do the very same thing this morning..... He's an electrician an were struggling to find a job from the uk. We going to come over on a holiday visa the end of Sep and just keep out fingers crossed that we find something and the 457 goes through pretty quickly. He's done the Oz gap training an has his White card an vet assess approval so that should help. Does you new place need a good uk spark. Lol

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Guest kevingohery

Well done andyrob! What kind of work dows your company do? I'll be looking for work in wa in the next few weeks. I'm a carpenter by trade but would do anything...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm working for a large construction / infrastructure company. I know they do take on direct labour, but because of the nature of work they have at the moment (mainly PM stuff) they aren't carrying too many on the books.


I found seek.com.au to be the best place to hunt for jobs, and they will send you daily emails of the latest vacancies you are interested in

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Hope you don't mind me joining this tread as my husband an I have decided to do the very same thing this morning..... He's an electrician an were struggling to find a job from the uk. We going to come over on a holiday visa the end of Sep and just keep out fingers crossed that we find something and the 457 goes through pretty quickly. He's done the Oz gap training an has his White card an vet assess approval so that should help. Does you new place need a good uk spark. Lol


Sophie. I dunno about sparks lol. But you are doing the right thing. WA is booming at the moment, in terms of construction related work the credit crunch hasn't hit here. Being onshore gives you a huge advantage in getting work, and companies are much more likely to sponsor if you are here and they don't nee to pay 10's of thousands getting you here.


If he is willing to take fly in fly out work, which there is LOADS of here, then he should pick something up fairly easily

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