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Sponsorship News - Perth re-classified as "regional"


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Sad news. Actuaully Ive already booked the appartment for the first month within Perth area. but of course it is not the main disappointment Anyway they 'd better updated DIAC site news with correct information. Just for curiosity it is possible to find an official document regarding Perth reclassification?

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Hi have a look on the Wa migration site it confirms it there. I don't see the point of excluding us I thought they were desperate for workers??




Michelle, I don't think that WA excluded us purposefully, maybe they just misunderstood minister's announcement or smth like that. On july 19 minister announced even relative sponsored 475 visa holders would be eligible for Perth. When I asked WA immi in August about reclassification they recommended me follow the DIAC and WA immi news. Now the announcements are differ from each other on both sites. Who should I believe more? :))) I thought that WA immi is a branch of DIAC and they cooperate in some ways. Moreover when I asked DIAC on their facebook page they recommended me to ring 1300 364 613, otherwise use this link to find your nearest department office http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/overseas/

In addition to this they gave me a link http://skilledmigration.govspace.gov.au/



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