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Riots in the U.K

Guest Dayna

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Guest Dayna

Can you believe what is happening here in the U.k? How is it ever O.k to terrorise people, set fire to their businesses homes and cars? Steal and loot from them? If I hear one more " do gooder" say it's the only outlet they have to express their feelings of being impoverised etc.. I will scream! It is not acceptable to behave this way. One youth on BBC news said that they were rioting because they are angry with the way the goverment is treating them.........Guess what we all are, but terrorising your fellow countrymen is not the way to go about it.


This is what the U.k is coming to, is it any wonder so many of us are trying to get out?

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Guest NeilEB

I completely agree - I nearly punched my radio this morning (which wasn't a great idea as I was doing 80 down the M1.....)


My Aussie visa has never looked so tempting.


Bring in the Army Mr Cameron, bring them in now.

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Guest Dayna

Just annouced that there will be 13,000 police officers on the streets of london tonight, bet thats not costing the tax payer much, all that over time for officers from different forces. In my opinion still not anywhere enough London is a massive city, if it gets worse tonight as it has every other night so far, the police will still be to thinly stretched.


I think the army is probably the only solution left. What a mess!!

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Guest NeilEB

Or if the looters were sensible, they'd go to other parts of the country.

Hopefully they'll see sense and cancel the football match tonight - last thing I need is 70,000 people in wembley

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Guest Dayna

It did progress to other cities last night, Liverpool, Bristol and Manchester! I have some facebook friends in Essex who were told to have a bag packed and be ready to go, I think its worse than is being reported on the news.


Your right, they really should cancel the footy match tonight its asking for trouble.

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Guest NeilEB

Latest update:

Apparently Manchester wasn't hit last night.


16,000 police will be on the streets of London tonight (will that make other cities more vulnerable?)

No Water cannons

No army

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Guest Dayna

It will most definately make other areas more vunerable. My sister lives in Medway Kent, she had fires being set in her area, large wheelie bins being stolen and set alight in large piles in the streets, she cant let her children out to play today.........


It's just awful, I cannot understand what these people think they are achieving? I dont believe it's political I think it's just an excuse for the theiving toads to steal and cause mayhem! Lovely I really want my children to be growing up with this peer group.


@ Neil - At least they have cancelled the footy!

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Guest NeilEB
Is it getting worse in other area's as well ?


It spread to Birmingham, Nottingham, Liverpool and Bristol last night. Also some incidents in Leeds.


People near me (I work in Dunstable) are surprised it hasn't kicked off in Luton yet.


"Feral rats" - my new favourite phrase.

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Guest Dayna

Chatham and Gillingham were on the local news for fires, gangs, looting etc. Also fbook friends in Essex have said that they have had buses set on fire etc. My brother works on the national grid and is currently working around Hackney etc he says he has never seen anything like it. Twice today they have had to park a massive digger across the site entrance to stop yobs getting in....This hasn't stopped them launching anything they can find over the fence though. He is lodging up in London too and says none of the cabbies are working and all shops where he is staying are closed, burnt out or smashed......

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Guest NeilEB

Last nights updates:


Fairly quiet in london. My local shopping area has some windows smashed, but nothing like the scale that we;ve seen.


Manchester and Salford fairly badly hit, but again nothing like London was - shops looted, some fires set, but thankfully nothing too major.


West Brom & Birmingham - again had running battles between looters and police, and three people were killed - apparently they were defending their local shops, and a car mounted the pavement and hit them.


In slightly better news (depending how you look at it): groups of locals came out in Enfield to protect the area. Likewise a whole group of Seikhs came out to defend their local temple in Southall.


Still not sure how this will end - they can't keep these number of police for very long.


One of the looters was interviews and was bragging that the police can't touch them - sad to say he's right.

Oh and some of the looters in Machester were as young as 9........

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Guest NeilEB
It saddens me so much to read/watch this. Pictures of little boys stealing booze


Look on the bright side - it probably isn't for them - their teenage parents probably asked them to steal it for them.....


Oh and by the way, if anyone was in doubt - this is exactly what we mean by Broken Britain

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