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fly in fly out advice please!!!

Guest debbie13

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Guest debbie13

[h=2]fly in fly out.[/h]

Hi, im new to this site and was hoping to get some adivice from people who have experienced the "fly in fly out", way of life. My hubby has been offered work on the basis of two weeks work, one week off, and I was wondering if anyone could share their experiences of this- I am a little worried about moving to the other side of the world and spending the two weeks on my own with two small kids. Has anyone else found it hard/easy to adjust to?

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Hi, I am not in Perth yet but my partner does work offshore here in the UK. It can be tough at times as can be expected I suppose but to be honest you just get on with it. Us mums are good at rolling our sleeves up and getting the job done!


There is a site on Facebook for FIFO mums - Perth SOR fifo mums group.


Hope this helps a little and if you need any more info then just pm me and we can have a natter!

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Hi Debbie


I havent experience the Fly in Fly out way of life myself but I know people who have/are doing it.


It has its positives and Negatives, positive -the money is a lot better than the Perth Metro Area for obvious reasons as you are away from home, so you can buy some nice things:). Negative - Long hours, away from your family.


You will be fine and you will probably find you are one of many in the same position, we miss our family and friends in the Uk but know we made the right decision moving here.

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Hi Debbie


Although our roles have reversed, in the UK I am away most of the week and in Perth will be home every night. What myself and my partner agreed is that whilst I am away at work or away in other parts of Australia she had to go and find something new for us to do when I was home. This meant that it gives her something challenging and exciting to do whilst I am away and when I am home she can be my tour guide.


Hope this gives you an idea of making it an exciting opportunity.

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Guest emilyjane

Hi Debbie,

We're hoping hubby is going to be formally offered a similar job next week for FIFO and gone 2 weeks etc (fingers crossed!) and all going to plan we reckon to be out around November. (And coincidentally hubby is from South Wales too!).

I am a stay at home mum to our 2 1/2 year old and TBH I can't wait to get there and start spending time on the beach and meeting people and would def be up for meeting mums in a similar sitution!

Where abouts are you looking to live? I've been looking at Scarborough/City Beach areas (cos of the beach, obviously :cool:)


Em x

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Hi Debbie,

We're hoping hubby is going to be formally offered a similar job next week for FIFO and gone 2 weeks etc (fingers crossed!) and all going to plan we reckon to be out around November. (And coincidentally hubby is from South Wales too!).

I am a stay at home mum to our 2 1/2 year old and TBH I can't wait to get there and start spending time on the beach and meeting people and would def be up for meeting mums in a similar sitution!

Where abouts are you looking to live? I've been looking at Scarborough/City Beach areas (cos of the beach, obviously :cool:)


Em x


You'll not be spending a opt pf time on the beach in the summer with a littelun , the Aussie sun is dangerously strong




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-31.632133,115.702602

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Guest debbie13

We've been looking more at the suburbs, Atwell in particular- not too far from city or beach, so difficult to decide really. I'm looking forward to the move, and hope to try and meet friends and people in similar situations through sites like these.

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Not personal experience, but a friend said she found it difficult the longer her hubby did it as she felt like a single parent a lot of the time and on the weeks that hubby was home, she started to feel a bit annoyed that he was messing up her routine

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Not personal experience, but a friend said she found it difficult the longer her hubby did it as she felt like a single parent a lot of the time and on the weeks that hubby was home, she started to feel a bit annoyed that he was messing up her routine


It's a bit tough emotionally but with starting out here you can get yourself established and set up financially as in the metro wages are poo




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=-31.789599,115.826625

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You are spot on with feeling like a single mother. Not too long ago my OH was working all the time and we were lucky to see him 3 or 4 days a month, It was what we were needing at the time to get us out of financial problems that occured when he wasnt getting the work previously but it was really tough. I had a young baby then and at times felt extremely isolated and lonely (in the uk). He now works for another company where he has much more time off and a better work/life balance and we see him pretty much equal to what he works.


The good thing about working FIFO is that when he is home it is full time, he is with me all day, everyday till he goes away again.


I think along as you can get the balance right then it can work and in fact sometimes I look forward to him going away so I can get some piece!! :biglaugh:




All the best!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest allic1978

hi debbie


Just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone, so many of us are in the same situation. We've been in perth for 5 weeks now and my husband will probably start his fifo in about 4 weeks and Im absolutely dreading it. I was dreading it in the uk aswell but at the point he was told he would be doing a 2 n 1 roster whereas now he will be away for 3 weeks which seems even more unbearable. But we will all be fine, im sure every wife is upset for a few days and then from what I hear you just get used to it and carry on. Im sure we are all much stronger than we imagine. I think its really important to meet some other mums in the same boat though so you can give each other support. I already know 2 mums who's hubbys are on fifo so im sure we will be relying on each other for some company more than anything lol. When are you heading over? Have you any idea where you want to live?

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Guest debbie13

Thanks for the advice, It's good to know that Im not the only one in this situation. We are aiming to be out there in February, and have been looking more at the northern suburbs, Tapping in particular. I've been spending ages trying to work out where to go, looking at schools etc It really does take over your life, Im a primary school teacher and I'm really finding it difficult to concentrate on my work ( guess when you decide to make the move its hard to think of anything else) !!!!:biggrin:

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Guest Chinkerbell

My hubby is currently away on his first FIFO trip.....3 weeks away and 1 week home.......it is tough! I am now dealing with all the finances, the cat and dog, problems with our rental and my daughter has had quite worrying health problems, BUT, that is what we signed up for. I am eased by the fact that a close friend of mine is not going to see her hubby for nearly 5 months as he is in the navy, so who am I to complain really......? I speak to him twice a day on the phone and then we have our skype call at night. Through the day is fine 'cos there is always something to do, but night is a bit different. I spent most of the night last night convincing myself someone was roaming around downstairs.....!! There wasn't...it was the cat......lol I also know that no matter how tough the guys appear, it is hard for them to be away from us too.......We are tough tho..us girls.....xxx

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Cant comment on the children side as we dont have any, but i work fifo. I currently do 8 days on 6 off, but have done other rosters. Personally i wouldnt go back to regular monday to friday work. Yes, being away is hard, but the time off is far better quality time. I found when i was city based that saturdays were recovering from the week and sunday was thinking about going back. Now, i normally relax the day after i get home then we have 5 days to do things and go places. Trips down to margaret river and things are great.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest scottishmaniac

Hi Debbie, I am a Scottish expat and I am currently fifo 2 in 1 out, my partner and I have a 3 year old son, my partner has made loads of friends all British expats may I add, the work itself is good, I look forward to my week home, in the ukmi was driving trucks was away all week, it was my own business so I spent most weekends doing paperwork and fixing the trucks, but for me the weeks off are great, you can plan ahead, take a few days break somewhere or just get some friends round for a barbie. We love it so far, it is expensive to live here but good money in the mines, get in touch if I can be of any further assistance

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Hi there


Sorry to thread jump but to those of you/or your hubby who have jobs in the mines did you go through an agency? My hubby fancies making mine money (lol) he's a plumber but happy to do whatever. Any tips help is appreciated.


And to the orignal poster Debbie we are living in Tapping and love it!! Only been here 3 weeks we have 2 kids 1 at Tapping Primary and 1 at Spring Hill and they are settling well. Irs really easy to get around and lots of lovely parks!!


Thanks in advance Guys any advice is appreciated.:wubclub:

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