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Guest getmethere

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Guest getmethere

hi i want to emigrate to mandurah and need to be sponsored :-( i am a beauty therapist , does anybody know of companies or websites that can point me in the right direction ?:smile:

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You can access the yellow pages and white pages on line, or even google beauty salons in Madurah .... I'd then email the companies and ask if they sponsor people attaching your CV with experience etc., Migration agents can assist you in doing the application but unless they also have contacts in businessess they can not secure you the company sponsorship

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Guest Bob Tonnor

Hi there


Try this it should give you an idea http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&cp=24&gs_id=1v&xhr=t&q=mandurah+beauty+services&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&safe=off&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=mandurah+beauty+services&aq=0v&aqi=g-v1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=91d39effc89b4eaa&biw=1024&bih=590

And then maybe this,http://www.locationlowdown.com.au/search/results/WA/Mandurah.

If you dont have any luck you may want to look at the neighboring suburbs


Good luck



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest getmethere
I think you may struggle. There are significant costs and liabilities involved for a company to sponsor and as a result they dont unless they really cant find someone here to do the job. The majority of sponsorships go to things like nurses, engineers proffessionals




do you have any idea how much it costs to sponsor ? this is my only avenue as to old for a working visa :-( but you are right i am finding it a struggle

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We wanted to come for many years and always thought that with my skills and experience it would be me who secured sponsorship.

A chance browse on Seek one day and my wife found an ad for a role that could have been written for her. Now granted she's in a pretty specialist job - she's production manager for a mascot/character costume company and has her own business in the UK but the company here is quite small but there was never any question from them about sponsoring her, they were amazingly positive from the first day.


I think the owner has been very brave committing to my wife and has great vision to realise the benefit that such a move could have on her business so I'd say don't lose hope, it can happen though as others have said, it's unusual in an area that doesn't directly support the mining industry. If you can afford a holiday then why not come over and take a look around and make contact with people here, you may find you can secure a good enough relationship with someone that they are positive about investing in you.


As for cost, the employer is liable for all costs relating to the role being approved for sponsorship. The employer has to draw up a JD, submit all manner of trading accounts, training plans and compliance information in order to get approval and for a small business it is a lot of hassle; the larger organisations are better equipped to resource this process. You will have to pay for your side of the visa application and I think my wife paid around £300.


Good luck.

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hi i want to emigrate to mandurah and need to be sponsored :-( i am a beauty therapist , does anybody know of companies or websites that can point me in the right direction ?:smile:


Not sure if beauty therapist is on the SOL, but if it is you could get WA State Sponsorship, is Mandurah regional? ,even better if it is, the only other thing you can do is look on www.seek.com.au find companies advertising and see if they will sponsor you, I found it very difficult to get sponsorship, even with fantastic qualifications in engineering, even an Australian License to practice, companies are very reluctant to even talk to you, so dont be surpised if you dont get replies to e mails applications etc, good luck

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Guest getmethere

i did come over in june as my brother lives there i went round salons and was told to send my cv in which i have been doing but to no avail yet i guess i have to keep trying



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Guest getmethere
Not sure if beauty therapist is on the SOL, but if it is you could get WA State Sponsorship, is Mandurah regional? ,even better if it is, the only other thing you can do is look on www.seek.com.au find companies advertising and see if they will sponsor you, I found it very difficult to get sponsorship, even with fantastic qualifications in engineering, even an Australian License to practice, companies are very reluctant to even talk to you, so dont be surpised if you dont get replies to e mails applications etc, good luck






massage is the way i need to go through as a beauty therapist as that is needed in the mandurah region ill keep trying



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Guest getmethere

well he is a citizen and been there for 4 years , i have spoken to a migration agent in mandurah but he said there is no visa which will let him just sponsor me ? do you know of a route in which he can do this ? as he said he will

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well he is a citizen and been there for 4 years , i have spoken to a migration agent in mandurah but he said there is no visa which will let him just sponsor me ? do you know of a route in which he can do this ? as he said he will


http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/visiting-family/679/ I think you need an agent, talk to Gomatilda they are excellent and will advise you if you stand a chance

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