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176 Lodged June 2011 gang moving to WA in 2012


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Hi guys

Finally moved over to the PerthPoms forum. I have no idea who is where now as I've not been around for a while. Hope everyone who has arrived is loving it and all is well. Hope everyone else is well on their way with plans.

We are much the same - got a leaving do to arrange in Feb and we have already booked flights to Adelaide, 3 weeks after we arrive, to go and visit my Sister-in-Law and family who have now been in OZ 4 weeks and by the sounds loving every minute.


Est xx

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Katy and Rob

Hi Guys,



I cant Believe 2012 is here, This is the year we all move to Oz.. how exciting. We have started to get quotes on moving the dog and our furniture this month and hav sorted out things were taking and what were selling, it is all becoming very real. We have also been looking at properties and areas to move to. The is a Western Australia Expo on in london at the end of March, which i hope will give us more inforamtion on job for myself and my husband etc.


I would like to know if anyone else has got quotes for furniture and who they got them with?? We have been given a great on from Eagle if anyone has used them please let know what there like. Or if you know anyone can you ask around.


thanks guys


Good Luck:wubclub:

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Hi Guys!


I'm new here, and while I am a member of POI, I wasn't a part of the June gang. I just wanted to say that I booked my flights two days ago and I arrive on 14th Feb at 1 in the morning! I've just finished uni in the last year and am flying out there to find myself a job. Absolutely cannot wait!


Good luck to all you who are still in the process of moving or applying for visas, you have a much tougher time of it that I have, as I don't have a family to relocate!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lesleybruck

Hi all, we was part of june gang, congrats to all that hve gained visa since we last spoke. we are still waiting for our visa as im preg due april so they wouldnt let me do medicals till after baby born. we are hopeing to put house up for sale before this as it may take months to sell, if all goes well we could possibly move by sept 2012, fingers crossed. i just pray no problems with medicals, an house sells quickly. a meet up the end of 2012 would be amazing. Hope u are all well an those of u already there are settling in and all going well.

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Hi everyone, I was part of the June gang on PIO. Me and my family are off on the 28th March, booked flights last week! It me, Laura, my husband Adam & Zachary 21months. We are flying to Bangkok and will be spending 2-3months traveling Asia before we head to Perth so should arrive mid June. We are staying with a friend in Palmyra until we find a rental property in the Mullaloo area :-)

we are very excited now, only 9 weeks to go!! House sold & we exchange on 24th March, removals coming on 20th March! Think we're almost set. Just dreading all the goodbyes :,-(

good luck to everyone leaving soon. Can't wait to meet up at end of year and hear everyone's stories :-)

laura x

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Katy and Rob

Hello Guys,

Wow i havent been on here in a long time, So i thought i would give everyone an update on out move.

Where do i start.... Myself and Rob are leaving in May to start our new life, It has taken a lot long due to the new rules with the dog rabis inhections, but finally things are happening.

I handed in my notice at work this week,so it is all becoming very real. We also found out were are having a aussie baby in Sept so time is certainly not on our side.

All systems go. We have a compnay who have price our furniture so it wont be long before that all gone.

Hope you are all good, let me know your plans and how your all getting on, esp the one of you that have landed.



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Hi Louise, good to here you are off to validate..................wish we could.......................just hoping the house will sell soon so we can make the rest of our plans to go for good !

If I don't speak to you before then have a great trip and let us know how you find it !

Justin :wink:

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Hi Justin and the June Gang

Been looking for this thread but couldn't find it last week glad someone brought it back up the the front :-)


We finally arrived in Perth on the 29th February and are staying in Safety Bay - right on the beach with a view of the sea from the decking - fantastic for an evening glass of wine or cold tinnie!!!


Since we arrived it has been pretty hectic. Rich got a job in the first couple of days, and we were offered a long term let in Bayswater (15 minutes drive from his job in Malaga) but it won't be available until beginning of May - until then we have had to find another short term let NOR for April - not easy with Easter in the middle, but we finally got that sorted on this Friday.


We brought a car yesterday, and inbetween sorted all our medicare etc etc etc - all this in 40 degree heat - not bad :-)


It is as wonderful as we thought it would be - I just hope once normality sets in when Rich starts work it will be just as good.


Love to all the June gang


Est xx

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well less then 5 weeks now until we get on that one way flight. I handed in my notice last Monday at work:biggrin:. Today I handed in our notice for the house. We will be shipping my oh's car in a couple of weeks, I just need to sort the house with all my junk! I am very excited!!!!! We will be staying in Beaconsfield for the first 8 weeks, so close to Fremantle. I hope everyone else's planning or new lives is going well. :ssign19:


Lucy xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Katy and Rob


Another little Update.. This time is is all very exciting, I leave my Job next week....ekk, and I then become a housewife lol. Our stuff is shipped the following week,and 4 weeks later myself and my husband are shipped out to start our new lives. I am very excited but very very nervous aswell. The Dog is staying till August and then will be shipped out.. I am very worried about her but I am sure she will be fine.

So at the moment it is all systems go, boxes everywhere.

Hope your all well, would be great to hear how your all getting on.


Take care


Katy x:wubclub:

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Hey Katy,


I finished work last Friday, and we fly out next Saturday! We are only just starting to pack up and should be shipping ours next week along with the car. Saying that we are only shipping the car plus a handful of boxes so not much. We will also put stuff in the car. I am also a lady of leisure now, my OH finishes work this Friday so we will both be umemployed. We are having our leaving party this Saturday for family & friends, I have brought a load of Aussie decor.


Good luck,


Lucy x

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Hi all


Just seen this thread.


Been here six weeks now and move into our long term rental next Tuesday. Container arrived on Thursday so we are in the process of getting that cleared through customs.


I started a contract after two weeks and have an interview on Monday morning for a longer term one with one of the big iron ore mining companies and there is a good chance that it will go permanent so fingers crossed.


A get together and a beer sounds like a great idea. We have been staying with Trudy's aunt and uncle since we arrived so have had family around us but also need to spread our wings and make new friends. We are going to be living in Mindarie for at least the next twelve months so if anyone fancies getting together then just shout.






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Hi all


Just seen this thread.


Been here six weeks now and move into our long term rental next Tuesday. Container arrived on Thursday so we are in the process of getting that cleared through customs.


I started a contract after two weeks and have an interview on Monday morning for a longer term one with one of the big iron ore mining companies and there is a good chance that it will go permanent so fingers crossed.


A get together and a beer sounds like a great idea. We have been staying with Trudy's aunt and uncle since we arrived so have had family around us but also need to spread our wings and make new friends. We are going to be living in Mindarie for at least the next twelve months so if anyone fancies getting together then just shout.







Hi Si,


We are moving out on Dec 4th and will be in Mindarie from the 21st onwards if you feel like cracking a few tinnies in the 'Boat' or the 'Indian Ocean Brewhouse' just let us know.



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