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bricklaying jobs in perth

Guest dazzler74

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Guest dazzler74

Hi everyone im a 37 year old man looking to move to aus i have a friend who lives in perth and he told me there are bricklaying jobs ther is this true and if so whats the average wage for a bricklayer in perth i hope you can help as its our dream to live in aus many thanks darren

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Guest luckymallen

Hi Dazzler - me and my husband, also a bricklayer are moving to Perth in 6 weeks. We have family and friends there too and we are fairly confident that OH will secure a bricklaying job pretty quick from what we have been told by them (though we do have a couple of contacts already). We have been doing bits of looking around too and there does seem to be a few brickie jobs being advertised. Not sure on the pay but have $250 to 300 a day in my head - but dont quote me on that!

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Guest dazzler74

Hey thanks for the info i was told about 80000 year wages, im taking the skills asessement in a month then im aplying for my visa with the family. Stay in touch.


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im not a brickie so ,,,,,, a girl i work with her hubby is a brickie [ an aussie ] he and his brother work as a team for major builders he hasnt had any work since two weeks before xmas and has just gone back this week , the builders didnt have any work , i know she said last year and the year before he earned about 53,000 before tax , not a great wage as when the wearher is cold , really wet or too hot they cant work ,some times he is told a job is ready to start when he arrives they havnt poured the pad ??? i remember last winter the winds were bad they carried on working and the wind knocked the wall down they had built that day , so it was a day wasted they didnt get any pay for that particular day ,

as i say im not a brickie im a hairdresser but i dint think its all roses for brickies at the moment in residential

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