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Anyone interested? Free return flight from UK to Perth

Guest David Taylor

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Guest David Taylor



I hope someone can help.

For the last 7 years my mother has been flying from the UK to Perth and spending 3 months visiting her friend. He (the friend) has spent 3 months each year coming over to the UK.


We want to organise a trip for mum to fly out to Perth again (feb 2012).


Mum has had Alzheimer’s for the last 5 or so years and is now at the stage where whilst she is otherwise very healthy and alert we feel it would be best if someone (preferably female) accompanied her on the flight. She is very cheerful and easy; most people wouldn’t realise she has a problem. She needs no medical assistance just company to provide her with reassurance so she doesn’t get disorientated. We need someone to make sure she does the transfer in Dubai properly and picks up her bags at the end of the flight. She would be dropped off and picked up at either end.


We need someone to fly with mum from the UK (London or Manchester) to Perth at sometime over the next month (we can be fairly flexible) and then come back to UK 3 months later. We will pay for that person’s flight.


Our hope is that there is someone in the UK who would like to go back to Perth for 3 months to see friends or family and having the flight paid for (circa Aus$1,300) would be a real help.


Hope you can help


Kind regards



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Guest David Taylor

Hi Mark

yes you are probably too late. We are running with the first suitable person who contacted us. If it changes I will come back to you straight away

Kind regards


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