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Senior Schools


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Hi Everyone


Please can you give me a summary of any of the senior schools you know of NOR. We are coming over beginning of April and I still not sure what school to send my son to. When I was over this month I got a lot of mixed reports so any information would be great.



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go to this link -




which are the 2011 league tables for WA. On page 13 is the table of results. Only school NOR that made the top 50 are

St Mary's - fee paying girls school (about $15,000 a year)

Number 11 - Churchlands - Govt school

20 Sacred Heart - Catholic fee paying school at Hilarys - about $5,000 a year but hard to get in to.

27 St Stephen's Carramr

41 Carrine High School - govt school.


Hope that helps.

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St Stephens Duncraig and St Marks Hillarys were also in the top 50.


To the OP, in addition to the schools mentioned there is Duncraig SHS, Ocean Reef SHS, Belridge SHS, Wanneroo SHS, Clarkson SHS and Kinross College. Some of those don't enjoy the best of reputations and they can be strict on catchment areas so pick your area wisely. All private schools seem to have waiting lists these days and in addition to the ones mentioned above there are a couple of catholic schools Prendiville Catholic College and Mater Dei and a few others such as Peter Moyes Anglican, Quinns Baptist and Lake Joondalup Baptist.


Good luck.

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Have just arrived myself. Son aged 14 has started Servite school catholic (we are not catholic ) and I have never seen him so happy.

just joined Tuart soccer club, seems friendly enough. Good luck with everything.

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