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I am sure that the majority of subscribers to this forum are aware of the changes that will be implemented by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship on 1st July 2012. However, I am regularly being asked about them, so I thought I would post a brief description of the changes announced.



Anyone applying for the following categories of visa will be having to submit an Expression of Interest before they are able to lodge a valid visa application:

Independant Skilled

State or Territory Skilled

Family SPonsored

Business Skills.


What this will effectively mean is the Government will be in a better position to control the skilled workers coming to Australia. There will be a ceiling on occupations and it will be driven by the demand of the employers. Once an EOI has been lodged for most visa categories the applicant can stay in the SkillSelect system for upto 2 years. You may never be invited to apply. If you are invited to apply you must submit your visa application within 60 days of invitation. The other thing to be mentioned is when submitting an EOI you must also have had your skills assessed and have a relevant IELTS resulteSo, please bear in mind that you may go through the preliminary process and never even get to apply for a visa. As an Australian Citizen I can see many advantages to this programme, however, as a Migration Agent, I can see that it is going to be very difficult and potentially disappointing for our clients. I think many agents will no longer deal with GSM visas and concentrate on Employer Sponsored applications!


My advice to anyone looking to migrate on the above visa categories. APPLY ASAP, DONT DELAY, YOU MAY MISS OUT ALTOGETHER!!!!!! Bearing in mind that some skills assessments are taking over 6 weeks to process, places for IELTS are scarce (in Perth they get booked up very quickly, cant comment on UK!) These factors mean you do not have much time . We never know when the Minister for Immigration is going to change the skills on the SOL either!!!


Good luck everyone, get submitting those skills assessments, sitting those IELTS and completing your applications !!!!!

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Hi Camilla, these changes do you think its likely to effect the 457 visas for nurses.




Hi Mou

This is a good question to raise on this forum! The answer to your question is no, however, you must take into account that a 457 is a temporary visa and effectively does not offer any route to permanency. SO my answer is no, as it is not actually linked to the changes happening 1st July. The benefit of the 457 visa, is it is usually granted pretty quickly and gets you to Australia! The negative is that many people secure a 457 and then decided they want to stay in Australia permanently and then can not do so as they may not meet the requirements for the permanent visas!

With regards to nurses, AT THE MOMENT it is an occupation on the SOLs and ENSOL/457 lists but noone knows if and when that will ever change? Even with a sought after profession like nursing, I would still advise any client to lodge for a permanent visas asap if that is what they are looking for. Under the new EOI scheme occupations will be capped so who knows how many nurses will be granted visas? If you are in Australia on a 457 visa you can still apply for many other visas if you wish to.

Having a recruitment background, I always advise my clients to lodge permanent applications if and where possible. Perhaps I see things differently from others, but I am aware how quickly migration legislation changes and all of a sudden doors close! I am also aware of the skills shortages in WA. I am currently trying to persuade a client of mine in the healthcare industry to take staff on from the UK under the RSMS visa as opposed to the 457 scheme. This way their employee is tied to them for 2 years, they are offered permanency from the outset and there is only one lot of fees involved! Everyone is a winner! Maybe I am shooting myself in the foot so to speak! I could get double fees by going 457 then GSM/RSMS/ENS!!! I think my way of thinking reflects that good people are hard to find, but many employers want to try before they buy and dont want to make a huge commitment!

So Mou, if you havent been granted a 457 yet, you may want to ask your prospective employer about RSMS visas. Alternatively you can lodge a GSM application if you meet the criteria onshore before JUly 2012.

I hope that helps!



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  • 3 months later...

we are in a turmoil-


wife 41 years - has completed the ANMAC skills assessment and has the letter of determination, completed IELTS academic test and scored above 8 in all except writing where she got 7.5 but this is ok for ANMAC. was thinking of going for 176 state sponsored WA however because of her age and only being able to claim 10 points for IELTS we fall short of 5 points off the 65. We then thought about 475/487 as you get 10 points for those but looks like you have to work in the back and beyond on those visa and have the offer of a job prior to lodging.


any advice or help would be greatly appreciated, would even consider using an agent if they feel we have some chance. ideally would like to be in Perth area.


Stuart Sally

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we are in a turmoil-


wife 41 years - has completed the ANMAC skills assessment and has the letter of determination, completed IELTS academic test and scored above 8 in all except writing where she got 7.5 but this is ok for ANMAC. was thinking of going for 176 state sponsored WA however because of her age and only being able to claim 10 points for IELTS we fall short of 5 points off the 65. We then thought about 475/487 as you get 10 points for those but looks like you have to work in the back and beyond on those visa and have the offer of a job prior to lodging.


any advice or help would be greatly appreciated, would even consider using an agent if they feel we have some chance. ideally would like to be in Perth area.


Stuart Sally


Hello STuart

have you looked at whether you are able to claim the additional five points? To do this you would need to meet this criteria



[TD]Column 1



[TD]Column 2



[TD]Column 3

No. of points






[TD]The spouse or de facto partner of the applicant (the primary applicant):

(a) is an applicant for the same subclass of visa as the primary applicant; and

(b) is not an Australian permanent resident or an Australian citizen; and

© is under 50 at the time of application; and








[TD] (d) has nominated a skilled occupation in his or her application, being an occupation that was specified in the same version of the instrument made by the Minister under paragraph 1.15I(1)(a) as was used when the primary applicant made his or her application; and








[TD] (e) has been assessed by the relevant assessing authority for the nominated skilled occupation as having suitable skills for the occupation; and

(f) has competent English; and








[TD] (g) either:

(i) has met the Australian study requirement:

(A) in the period of 6 months ending immediately before the day the application was made; and








[TD] (B) in circumstances in which each degree, diploma or trade qualification used to satisfy the requirement is closely related to the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation; or








[TD] (ii) at the time of application, has been employed in a skilled occupation for a period totalling at least 12 months in the 24 months immediately before that day








I believe these criteria will not be changed in the new legislation.


Alternatively the other option is for your wife to look for an employer to sponsor her. Maybe try St Johnof God Hospital in Subiaco, I heard a rumour that they were sponsoring? However, I belive Ali, a moderator on this site is a nurse and she may know other employers looking.

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Hi Camilla,


Thanks for your reply, regarding me, the spouse, gaining another 5 points, we were advised it would be better to gain the visa using my wifes credentials as a nurse as it was apparently easier and would be granted quicker. I have a HNC in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and now work in a H&S type role, delivering training and acting as a A1 assessor and IQA internal verifier for NVQ's in the associated discipline mentioned. I didnt really want to go to the expense and additional time of having my skills assessed and doing the IELTS test.


it looks like our only option is to gain employer sponsorship to gain those vital points, can I ask regarding the new EOI and the pool you register to on DIAC, do you need to select beforehand which visa you intend going for? if yes, does that mean you need a employer sponsor prior to lodging your EOI?





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Hi Camilla,


Thanks for your reply, regarding me, the spouse, gaining another 5 points, we were advised it would be better to gain the visa using my wifes credentials as a nurse as it was apparently easier and would be granted quicker. I have a HNC in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and now work in a H&S type role, delivering training and acting as a A1 assessor and IQA internal verifier for NVQ's in the associated discipline mentioned. I didnt really want to go to the expense and additional time of having my skills assessed and doing the IELTS test.


it looks like our only option is to gain employer sponsorship to gain those vital points, can I ask regarding the new EOI and the pool you register to on DIAC, do you need to select beforehand which visa you intend going for? if yes, does that mean you need a employer sponsor prior to lodging your EOI?






hi Stuart

There are various possible options, however as you are aware they are all changing 1st July and unless you are ready to lodge now, I can not be too specific on the new legislation/visa numbers until DIAC have rolled out the new info to the RMA's (registered migration agents.)

Currently the RSMS, ENS and 457s are the employer sponsored visas, the first two being permanent and the third temporary. These visas will be given a new number and there are new criteria as of 1/7. These are totally separate from the GSM which will become EOI application based. I think that if you can get an employer these will be the best visas to consider as they are priority 1 processing. I can not comment or give firm advice as to the EOI criteria until I see it thoroughly, the law was only passed a couple of days ago and the information is yet to be loaded onto the DIAC system! RMA's can only give immigration advice and assistance as the law stands today, or once we are fully aware of the new legislative procedures. The fact that you say you do not meet the points currently, you will more than likely have to consider RSMS, ENS or 457 if you can get an employer.



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thanks camilla, will you get me an employer sponsor please!!! we will pay you well :biggrin:!!!!


Send me your CV and I can pass it on to a friend of mine, dont hold your breath but the more people looking for you the better

camilla@newlifedownunder.com.au and also proof of your skills assessment.


I have a friend who is an HR consultant specialising in medical industry so I can give it to her!


but you want to send off your CV to all the nursing agencies in WA and directly to hospitals.

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