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Armadale (new girl) Essex to Perth

Guest bexster101

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Guest bexster101

Hi everyone, what a fab site this is BTW ...great job.


My family and I are seriously considering moving to Oz to Perth.. main criteria great safe area to live, good high schools and good affordable houses.


My husband has been offered a job in Kelmscott near Armadale, so would like to know a little more about the area..


We would be looking to live in a nice safe neighbourhood, perhaps a 30 mins commute to the job.. ideally near the coast...

Henderson (i think) what is that like any ideas. or the best areas around. I do have 3 boys and will be looking for a really good high school. Not sure if we would need to go private , as I hear a lot of Brits take this option! If so how costly is that? Unfortunately my son is in year 10 right now in the UK , so would be moving him at a very crucial time, missing his GCSE's . so can anyone explain about the HSC , what it is exactly and what it means in educational exam terms.etc... I would hate for him to end up with no firm qualifications as he is very bright. (he is the biggest worry at his age) also what is the curriculum like in comparison to UK , how easy is it to convert and fit in !


Obviously moving over is a MASSIVE thing and a really big decision that has to be the right one...so any information to help make that decision from you wise guys would be fab..:)


well I thank you ...anyone that may reply and look forward to your answers.


Bec :)

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We live in Leeming which is a 25 min commute to Armadale, but we're about 20 mins from Freo and the coast. Areas surrounding Armadale are nice, plus there are new builds in southern river, byford, harrisdale.

Both my children are in Public school in Leeming, although there are several private schools in my area

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I'm in Freo and have to work in Armadale occasionally and the drive is pretty good as I love the open space along the Armadale road and it's about 45 mins.


I'm not sure about Henderson, I think it starts to get a bit industrial around there so I'd be choosing suburbs a little way North of there and as ali said Leeming or those areas along the Freeway from the Armadale road up are pretty nice. Don't worry too much about being right on top of the coast, that will make your commute pretty wearisome after a few months and from the Freeway to coast is a very short distance.


As for schools, my kids are in primary so I can't really comment on high schools but my eldest likes it a lot and I have to say I prefer the system here. It's less academic and isn't so focussed on performance ratings so concentrates on educating children rather than satisfying OFSTED. Ok, rant over.

Try contacting the schools over here to see if they can give you some sample work or the net may even have some old exam papers kicking around so you can get an idea of the standards.

Who knows what the future holds, whatever the outcome of his exams, I'm sure he'll cut his own path in life.

Good luck.


BTW, where in Essex? My roots are there and my mum still lives there.

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Guest bexster101

Hi there ,


Thanks for info ...lots to consider .its definitely given me some good tips & research ideas.

Like you say with schools & their papers, subjects etc..


Like you say the beach is probably not a deal breaker as the commute could get too much. I am sure the "good" schools around leeming etc may work..Just hear its pretty expensive there .


BTW I live near Braintree/ Chelmsford , where are you from or where is your mum..


Also are you happy ..do you still get homesick? Do you think you have done the right thing? What do you guys do for a living ..Do you manage financially , that us my worry ....being tight for cash then being stressed out etc..

I wondered what family would need a household income to be to be comfortable & not struggle or just "survive"


Sorry that's perhaps a bit invasive..


Well thanks again keep in touch Bec xx

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Avoid Amradale like the plague. Horrible area that has huge problems with the large aboriginal community in the area. We have a work facility there and i used to get the train to it which was never a pleasant experience, interesting, but never pleasant. In the end the company became to concerned about the security on public transport in and to Armadale that they band me from using it. To put that in context they had no problems with me going to work in my current role which is in the Democratic Republic of Congo (think war, disease, civil unrest and crazed militia)

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Guest bexster101

Wow , that is definatly something I will listen to ..I heard it was not nice to think that the congo would be a safer option puts things into perspective ..so thank you for that ;)

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I have to work out in Armadale occasionally and I've always thought that it's kind of an odd place, nothing more. A bit like Clacton but without the sea.

There doesn't appear to be much there but I've never experienced IED's on the path through town and I'm not certain I've encountered AK47 wielding militia either.

I'd sooner walk through Armadale than Croydon but I guess we all have different perspectives.

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I have to work out in Armadale occasionally and I've always thought that it's kind of an odd place, nothing more. A bit like Clacton but without the sea.

There doesn't appear to be much there but I've never experienced IED's on the path through town and I'm not certain I've encountered AK47 wielding militia either.

I'd sooner walk through Armadale than Croydon but I guess we all have different perspectives.


As you know i'm a community nurse in Armadale, but haven't yet had to have an armed escort to make my visits lol

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