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quick question re 457 / 176

The Rooney's

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I know this has prob been asked a thousand times ,


Can u get a 457 if you cat sponsor and put 176 in at the same time?


If you are then over on a 457 when EOI comes in what happens......still wait or ??


OH has a mate in Perth who keeps asking to help him find sponsor, but I keep saying no cause i want PR .....should i let him help??


thanks in advance for advice


Jen x

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Hi Jen, we arrived on a 457 waiting for WA state sponsorship to reopen for applications in November 2010.

Once the applications were accepted again in January 2011 we applied for firstly state sponsorship and then for our 176 visa, we had our visa granted by April, very quickly.

So short answer is yes you can do both. :)


Good luck.

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